Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | مماتوهي

Definisi : menurut (perintah, suruhan, dll), mentaati: Udin ~ cakap ibunya; pemuda-pemuda Jepun ~ ajaran-ajaran Kongfutze; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | مماتوهي

Definisi : berlaku taat pd; mentaati: Ali ~ nasihat ibunya. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
patuh (kata kerja)
Bersinonim dengan taat, setia, tunduk, tunak, patih; soleh, takwa, tawaduk, taslim, turut, ikut, akur, setuju;,
Kata Terbitan : mematuhi, kepatuhan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

abide~ by, a. be faithful to, adhere to, (tetap) berpegang pd, mematuhi: to ~ by a promise, berpegang pd janji; b. comply with, accept, mematuhi, menerima (dan mematuhi): to ~ by the decision of the majority, menerima dan mematuhi keputusan ramai; they have agreed to ~ by all the rules, mereka bersetuju utk mematuhi segala peraturan; c. endure, menanggung: to ~ by the consequences, menanggung akibatnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
observe2. abide by, follow, mematuhi; (festival, birthday, etc) merayakan, meraikan: he promised to ~ the rules in the future, dia berjanji akan mematuhi peraturan pd masa yg akan datang; the family ~s all the religious festivals, keluarga itu meraikan semua perayaan agama; do you ~ Good Friday, adakah kamu merayakan hari Good Friday?; ~ a minute’s silence, bertafakur sejenak; 3. comment, remark, katanya; (+ rel clause) mengatakan: “It’s going to rain,” she ~d, “Hari akan hujan,” katanya; she ~d that the price of used cars had almost doubled, dia mengatakan bahawa harga kereta terpakai telah naik hampir dua kali ganda.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
observancen 1. practice of abiding by, following, (amalan) mematuhi; (festival, birthday, etc), (amalan) /merayakan, meraikan/: strict ~ of the speed limit, amalan betul-betul mematuhi had laju; the ~ of Vesak Day, amalan merayakan Hari Wesak; 2. ritual, ceremony, etc that is customarily observed, amalan: the usual ~s at Christmas, amalan-amalan yg biasa dilakukan pd Hari Krismas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
compliancen (fml) 1. act of complying, pematuhan; ~ with, mematuhi, patuh pd, menurut, mengikut: in ~ with his orders..., (sbg) mematuhi perintahnya...; 2. tendency to yield to others, sifat suka menurut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stay 1 ~ on the right side of the law, mematuhi undang-undang: he advised his son to change his ways and ~ on the right side of the law, dia menasihati anaknya itu supaya mengubah perangainya dan mematuhi undang-undang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
obeythe men were charged with refusing to ~ orders, askar-askar itu didakwa tdk mematuhi perintah; it is important to ~ the manufacturer’s instructions, adalah mustahak mengikut arahan pengilang; c. (law) mematuhi, mengikut; d. (instinct etc) menurut, mengikut: why won’t you ~ your instinct?, kenapa kamu tdk mengikut rasa hatimu?.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
conformvi comply, akur, mengikut keadaan: her refusal to ~ made her unpopular with the villagers, keengganannya mengikut keadaan menyebabkan dia tdk disukai oleh orang-orang kampung, ~ /with, to/, a. (obey) mematuhi; (comply with) mengakuri, mengikut; (particular standards) mematuhi, mengikut: it is important that everyone ~s to the rules, adalah penting semua orang mematuhi undang-undang; any equipment that does not ~ to the official safety standards will be rejected, sebarang alat yg tdk mematuhi piawai rasmi keselamatan akan ditolak; b. (of ideas, views, etc) be in agreement with, selaras dgn: their opinions do not ~ with ours, pendapat mereka tdk selaras dgn pendapat kami.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
f ollow8. (accept and) act in accordance with, mengikut; (rules, regulations) mematuhi, mengikut: they ~ed the instructions given, mereka mengikut arahan yg diberikan; to ~ the latest fashion, mengikut fesyen terbaru; he always ~s the rules, dia sentiasa mematuhi undang-undang; 9. follow the footsteps of, mengikut jejak: Ibrahim ~ed his father into politics, Ibrahim mengikut jejak bapanya memasuki politik; 10. understand, memahami, mengerti: I don’t ~ your argument, saya tdk memahami hujah anda; you ~ me?, faham?; 11. pay close attention to, be interested in, mengikuti: she ~ed the election results closely, dia mengikuti keputusan pilihan raya dgn teliti;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
obeyvt a. (person), /menurut, mengikut, mematuhi, mentaati/ + approp n: the children always ~ their teacher, kanak-kanak itu sentiasa menurut kata guru mereka; when I issue an order, I expect it to be ~ed, apabila saya memberikan arahan, saya menghendaki arahan itu dipatuhi; b. (order, command, instruction, etc) menurut, mengikut, mematuhi, mentaati; (manufacturer’s instructions) mengikut:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
complyvi /mengikut, menurut, mematuhi/ + approp n; (with st) mengikut, menurut, patuh pd: he refused to ~, dia enggan mengikut perintah itu; everyone must ~ with the rules, setiap orang mesti menurut peraturan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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