Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

attractvt 1. draw to os, itself, a. (person) menarik (hati), tertarik; (purposely) memikat (hati): she ~s men easily, lelaki mudah tertarik kepadanya; bright colours ~ babies, bayi tertarik kpd warna-warna terang; b. (physical things) menarik, tertarik: a magnet ~s iron, magnet menarik besi; the scent of flowers ~s bees, lebah tertarik oleh bau bunga; c. (attention, notice, etc) menarik: he whistled to ~ attention, dia bersiul utk menarik perhatian; 2. arouse interest of, menarik, tertarik: the proposal did not ~ him, dia tdk tertarik dgn tawaran itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pullvt 1. draw towards or after one or in direction indicated, menarik; (drag) mengheret, menyeret; (tug, jerk) menyentak: the locomotive that ~s the wagons, lokomotif yg menarik gerabak; he was ~ed up the cliff on the rope, dia ditarik ke atas cenuram dgn tali; he ~ed down the broken branch, dia menarik dahan yg patah itu ke bawah; he ~ed his chair nearer the window, dia mengheret kerusinya supaya dekat dgn tingkap; be careful or you’ll ~ the whole thing over, hati-hatilah menarik, nanti semuanya runtuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
strain 1 ~ at, pull with great effort, a. (rope, oar, etc) berusaha sedaya upaya menarik; b. (lead, leash, rein, etc) mencuba melepaskan diri dgn menarik: my dog ~ed at its lead so hard that it pulled me along, anjing saya mencuba melepaskan diri dgn menarik talinya dgn kuat sehingga saya terdorong ke depan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
back-pedalvi 1. pedal backwards, mengayuh (basikal) ke belakang; 2. (fig.) menarik /balik, kembali/ (+ approp n): when he met with strong opposition, he ~led, apabila ditentang hebat, dia menarik balik tuntutannya; a politician ~ling on earlier promises, ahli politik yg menarik balik janji-janji yg telah dibuatnya dahulu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
temptingadj 1. attractive, menarik: a ~ offer of a free gift, tawaran percuma yg menarik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hitchn 1. short upward tug, menarik (sedikit): he gave a ~ to his trousers, dia menarik sedikit seluarnya; 2. snag, halangan: there was a slight ~ to our plans, ada sedikit halangan dgn rancangan kami; without a ~, dgn lancar: the ceremony went off without a ~, upacara itu berlangsung dgn lancar; technical ~, /masalah, gangguan/ teknik; 3. (kind of knot) simpul /belit, lilit/; half ~, lilit separuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hauln 1. pull with effort, menarik (dgn kuat): they gave a ~ on the rope, mereka menarik tali itu dgn kuat; 2. distance to be travelled, perjalanan: this type of aircraft is not suitable for long ~s, pesawat jenis ini tdk sesuai utk perjalanan jauh; 3. amount of fish hauled up, (hasil) tangkapan ikan: the fishermen brought back a good ~ today, nelayan-nelayan itu membawa pulang hasil tangkapan ikan yg banyak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
withdrawvt 1. take back or away, menarik: she withdrew her hand from his grasp, dia menarik tangannya dr pegangannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
piquantadj 1. (of taste)sharp but pleasant, pedas-pedas masam: most chutnies have a ~ taste, kebanyakan jenis cutni mempunyai rasa pedas-pedas masam; 2. exciting interest, menarik: a ~ piece of gossip, satu gosip yg menarik; a most ~ situation arose when the two old enemies met face to face, keadaan yg sungguh menarik berlaku apabila dua musuh lama bersemuka; the gypsy girl had a small, ~ face, gadis gipsi itu mempunyai muka yg kecil dan menarik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
haulvt 1. pull with effort, menarik (dgn kuat): the crew ~ed the boat on board, anak-anak kapal menarik perahu itu ke atas kapal; 2. transport, mengangkut: to ~ timber to the sawmill by trucks, mengangkut kayu ke kilang papan dgn trak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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