Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[me.ngah] | مڠه

Definisi : ; termengah-mengah tercungap­ cungap, terengah-engah. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[me.ngah] | مڠه

Definisi : ; termengah-mengah bernafas dgn kencang; tercungap-cungap:Dia ~ selepas berlari. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : termengah-mengah,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

huffvi emit puffs of air, menghembus-hembus; (as a result of exhaustion) termengah-mengah, tercungap-cungap, terengah-engah: after running a hundred metres the boy was ~ing, selepas berlari 100 meter budak itu termengah-mengah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breathyadj (of persons’ voice) spt orang mengah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
huff~ and puff, a. pant, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah, terengah-engah; b. show annoyance, membuat bising: the masses could only ~ and puff over the increase in taxes, rakyat jelata hanya boleh membuat bising apabila cukai dinaikkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
puffvi 1. pant, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah: at the end of the race, he just stood with his hands on his hips and ~ed, selepas menghabiskan perlumbaan itu, dia berdiri sambil bercekak pinggang dan tercungap-cungap; 2. (of cigarettes etc) take draws, puffs, menghisap: he sat relaxed, ~ing at his pipe, dia duduk berehat sambil menghisap paip; 3. move by means of steam power, bergerak dgn mengepulkan asap: the train ~ed slowly over the bridge, kereta api itu bergerak perlahan dgn mengepulkan asap melepasi jambatan; 4. often ~ out, (of smoke, steam, etc) come out in puffs, keluar berkepul-kepul: steam ~ed from every crevice, wap keluar berkepul-kepul dr setiap liang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breathlessadj 1. out of breath, panting, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah, terengah-engah: by the time she got to the top she was ~, apabila sampai di puncak, dia sudah tercungap-cungap; 2. without wind, tdk /berangin, berpuput/: the afternoon was hot and ~, tengah hari itu panas dan tdk berangin; 3. hold the breath, menahan nafas, terpegun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gaspvi 1. struggle for breath, tercungap-cungap, terengah-engah, termengah-mengah; ~ for breath, tercungap-cungap menarik nafas: he ~ed for breath as he came to the surface, dia tercungap-cungap menarik nafas apabila dia timbul ke permukaan air; 2. draw in breath sharply, seolah-olah tertahan: she ~ed at the man walking on the live coals, nafasnya seolah-olah tertahan melihat lelaki itu berjalan di atas bara api;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
puffedadj; ~ out, (colloq) out of breath, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah: he was ~ out after the first mile, dia tercungap-cungap selepas berlari sebatu pertama; ~-up, terlalu bongkak, sombong: a ~ -up little man, always interfering in other people’s business, lelaki pendek yg sangat sombong, selalu mencampuri urusan orang lain.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gaspvt often ~ out, approp v + dgn /tercungap-cungap, terengah-engah, termengah-mengah/: he ~ed out his last words, dia mengeluarkan kata-katanya yg terakhir dgn tercungap-cungap;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pant vi tercungap-cungap: he puffed and ~ed as he climbed the stairs, dia tercungap-cungap dan termengah-mengah semasa mendaki tangga;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
puff~ out, see vi (sense 4.); ~ so. out, (usu pass.) tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah: I was completely ~ed out after that climb, saya betul-betul tercungap-cungap selepas pendakian itu; ~ st out, a. see vt (sense 1.); b. extinguish flame by blowing, (act.) memadamkan api (dgn /menghembus, meniup/ sst); (pass.) api [sst] padam ditiup: the wind ~ed out the lamp, angin memadamkan api pelita itu; c. distend, cause to swell out, i. (cheeks) mengembungkan: he ~ed out his cheeks and blew hard, dia mengembungkan pipinya dan meniup kuat; ii. (chest) membusungkan: he ~ed out his chest with pride, dia membusungkan dada dgn bangga; iii. (sail etc) mengembungkan, mengelembungkan: the wind ~ed out the sails, angin telah mengembungkan layar itu; iv. (birds’ etc feathers) meremangkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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