Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : good ~s, (polit) jasa baik: he managed to get his son into the country’s most prestigious university through the good ~s of a friend in the Department, dia dapat memasukkan anaknya ke dlm universiti yg paling ternama di negara itu melalui jasa baik seorang kawan di Jabatan tersebut; be in ~, memegang kuasa, berkuasa: the Conservative Party is now in ~, Parti Konservatif memegang kuasa sekarang; be out of ~, tdk memegang kuasa. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : d. department esp in the government, pejabat; (in capital letters) Jabatan: the registry ~, pejabat pendaftaran; there is a post ~ at the bottom of the road, terdapat pejabat pos di hujung jalan itu; the Tax O~, Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri; the Immigration O~, Jabatan Imigresen; Foreign O~, Kementerian Luar Negeri; Home ~, Kementerian Dalam Negeri; War O~, Pejabat Perang; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : b. building, suite of rooms, where esp administrative, professional or clerical work is done, pejabat: call me at the ~, telefon saya di pejabat; the company has ~s in one of the tallest buildings in the city, syarikat itu mempunyai pejabat di salah sebuah bangunan tertinggi di bandar raya; he has been transfered to our head ~, dia telah ditukarkan ke ibu pejabat; expensive ~ equipment, peralatan pejabat yg mahal; c. small building or room where particular kind of service is provided, pejabat: booking ~, pejabat tempahan tiket; enquiry ~, pejabat pertanyaan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. a. room, usu not in o’s home, where one does o’s work, bilik (pejabat): I’d like to see you in my ~ now, saya mahu berjumpa dgn kamu di bilik saya sekarang; the secretary has a room adjacent to the General Manager’s ~, bilik setiausaha itu bersebelahan dgn bilik Pengurus Besar; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 2. people working in an office, pejabat: the whole ~ is talking about it, seluruh pejabat memperkatakan hal itu; 3. duty, function attached to o’s position, tugas: his ~ as chairman was to preside at meetings of the board, tugasnya sbg pengerusi adalah mempengerusikan mesyuarat lembaga tersebut; 4. position to which such duty, function are attached, jawatan: he resigned from ~, dia meletakkan jawatan; to hold public ~, memegang jawatan dlm kerajaan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata office

Istilah MABBIM

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