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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata paras air

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

water-leveln /aras, paras/ air.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fall9. decrease in amount, value, etc, penurunan: a ~ in the level of water in the dam, penurunan paras air di empangan itu; a ~ in land prices is anticipated, penurunan harga tanah diduga; a sharp ~ in the number of tourists visiting the country, penurunan yg meruncing dlm bilangan pelancong yg melawat negara itu; 10. (of town, city) penawanan; 11. collapse, kejatuhan: the ~ of the Roman Empire, kejatuhan Empayar Rom; 12. number of animals at birth, sekali lahir: a good ~ of lambs, banyak biri-biri sekali lahir;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
high watern 1. see HIGH TIDE; 2. state of body of water at its highest level, paras air paling tinggi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lower 1 vi 1. diminish in intensity or pitch, a. (of light) menjadi /malap, suram/; b. (of voice) merendah: they noticed that I was listening to them and their voices immediately ~ed, mereka menyedari bahawa saya mendengar perbualan mereka lalu suara mereka merendah; 2. sink, descend, a. (of water level) surut: the level of water in the dam has ~ed, paras air di empangan itu telah surut; b. (of price, value) turun, jatuh: the prices have ~ed considerably in the past year, harga telah turun dgn banyaknya dlm satu tahun ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
highadj 1. of relatively great extent from bottom to top, tinggi: a ~ wall surrounded the prison, sebuah tembok yg tinggi mengelilingi penjara itu; ~ heels, tumit tinggi; a ~ cliff, tebing tinggi; 2. being of a specified height, tingginya, setinggi; (in combination) separas, setinggi: the building is forty storeys ~, bangunan itu empat puluh tingkat tingginya; the water-level is 2 metres ~, paras air setinggi 2 meter; waist - ~, separas pinggang; 3. at, from a great height, tinggi: a ~ dive, junam tinggi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
waist-deep, waist-highadj paras pinggang: the water was ~, air itu paras pinggang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
waist-deep, waist-highadv hingga ke paras pinggang: he stood ~ in water, dia berdiri dlm air hingga ke paras pinggang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
recordadj paling + approp adj, ter- + approp adj : the flood waters have reached ~ levels, air bah itu mencapai paras tertinggi or paling tinggi; to make a ~ score, mendapat mata tertinggi; a ~ crop of corn, hasil jagung yg terbanyak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
permissibleadj dibenarkan: the maximum ~ level of chlorine in the water, paras maksimum klorin yg dibenarkan dlm air.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
to4. as far as, sampai ke, setakat: the water has risen ~ danger level, air itu telah naik sampai ke paras bahaya; he wore a coat that reached ~ his knees, dia memakai kot yg labuhnya sampai ke lututnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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