Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[pe.dar] | ڤدر

Definisi : 1. rasa pahit dan pedas (spt rasa kulit limau), tengik (rasa atau bau); 2. = ~ hati kesal; kepedaran perihal pedar, kekesalan hati, kepahitan. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[pe.dar] | ڤدر

Definisi : 1 (be)rasa pahit kepedas-pedasan spt rasa kulit limau. 2 bau dan rasa yg tidak sedap, spt bau minyak kelapa yg lama disimpan; tengik. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata pedar

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

tang2. sharp strong taste, pedar: the drink has a distinct ~ of lemon, minuman itu benar-benar berasa pedar lemon.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sharp5. steep and sudden, mendadak: the ~ fall in share prices caught many investors unawares, kejatuhan harga syer yg mendadak menyebabkan ramai pelabur terperangkap; 6. keen, biting, a. (of taste) pedar: the ~ taste of vinegar, rasa cuka yg pedar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
acridadj 1. a. (of smell ) menusuk hidung; b. (of taste ) pedar; 2. (fig.) pedas, tajam: ~ remarks, kata-kata (yg) pedas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
astringentadj 1. severe, austere, a. (of st said) pedas, memedihkan: an ~ remark, kata-kata pedas; b. (of st written) tajam: he wrote a somewhat ~ review of the book, dia menulis ulasan yg agak tajam ttg buku itu; 2. sharp, invigorating, a. (of taste) pedar; (chem) astringen; b. (of smell) menyegarkan; 3. (chem) astringen;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bite5. piece, amount bitten off, gigit: two ~s of the apple, dua gigit epal; 6. incisiveness, menusuk hati: a remark with a ~, kata-kata yg menusuk hati; 7. stinging or nipping effect, a. (of wind etc), /menusuk, menggigit/ ke tulang: the ~ of the cold wind, angin yg dingin menusuk ke tulang; b. (of food, drink), [various translations]; (of strong liquor) rasa pedar arak keras: I like a sauce with more ~ in it, saya suka akan sos yg lebih keras rasanya; 8. grip, cengkaman: a screw with plenty of ~, skru yg kuat cengkamannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bitevi 1. seize or attack with the teeth, sting, etc, menggigit; (of snake) mematuk, menggigit: the monkey looks fierce but doesn’t ~, monyet itu nampak garang tetapi tdk menggigit; 2. take bait, makan umpan: the fish aren’t biting today, ikan tdk makan umpan hari ini; 3. be taken in by a ploy, termakan (umpan): he knew it was a mistake but he bit just the same, dia tahu itu suatu kesilapan tetapi dia termakan umpan juga; 4. take firm hold of, grip, mencengkam: the car wheels would not ~ on the icy road, roda kereta itu tdk mencengkam di jalan yg berselaput ais; 5. cause to smart, a. (of words etc) menusuk hati: his words bit deeply into me, kata-katanya sangat menusuk hatiku; b. (of food, drink), [various translations]: the mustard really ~s, sos biji sawi itu benar-benar terasa pedar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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