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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

ref 1 n (colloq) pengadil: the ~ flashed a red card, pengadil menunjukkan kad merah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
refereen 1. person in charge of soccer, hockey, etc, pengadil: an experienced soccer ~, pengadil bola sepak yg berpengalaman; 2. person willing to testify to so’s character, penyokong, referi; 3. one who settles dispute, pendamai: the village chief acts as a ~ in many family squabbles, ketua kampung bertindak sbg pendamai dlm banyak persengketaan keluarga.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
judgevi 1. give decision (in competition etc) menjadi pengadil: to ~ at a cat show, menjadi pengadil di pertandingan kucing; 2. form opinion, judgement about, membuat anggapan: whether or not he was telling the truth, I was unable to ~, saya tdk dapat membuat anggapan sama ada dia berkata benar atau tdk; ~ by appearances, menilai dr segi lahir; 3. deem, fikir, rasa: I ~ from his answers that he would be suitable for the post, drpd jawapannya, saya fikir dia sesuai utk jawatan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fair1adj 1. just, adil: the referee was ~, pengadil itu adil; it was a ~ fight, pertandingan itu adil; 2. justified, wajar, patut: in the circumstances, it was a ~ comment, dlm keadaan itu, ulasan spt itu adalah wajar; 3. reasonable, berpatutan: a ~ price, harga yg berpatutan; 4. favourable, pleasant, baik: ~ weather, cuaca baik; ~ wind, angin paksa; 5. moderately good, agak baik: she has a ~ knowledge of French, pengetahuan bahasa Perancisnya agak baik; the home team has a ~ chance of winning, pasukan tuan rumah mempunyai peluang yg agak baik utk menang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fair1adj 1. just, adil: the referee was ~, pengadil itu adil; it was a ~ fight, pertandingan itu adil; 2. justified, wajar, patut: in the circumstances, it was a ~ comment, dlm keadaan itu, ulasan spt itu adalah wajar; 3. reasonable, berpatutan: a ~ price, harga yg berpatutan; 4. favourable, pleasant, baik: ~ weather, cuaca baik; ~ wind, angin paksa; 5. moderately good, agak baik: she has a ~ knowledge of French, pengetahuan bahasa Perancisnya agak baik; the home team has a ~ chance of winning, pasukan tuan rumah mempunyai peluang yg agak baik utk menang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
judgen 1. public officer with power to make decisions, hear cases in court of law, hakim: a Supreme Court ~, hakim Mahkamah Agung; appear before a ~, dihadapkan ke mahkamah; 2. person who decides, a. (in contest, competition) pengadil, hakim: a panel of ~s, jemaah pengadil; b. (in dispute) hakim; 3. person qualified to give valuable opinion, (orang yg) pandai menilai: a good ~ of horses, seorang yg pandai menilai kuda; he liked the film, but he was no ~, dia suka filem itu, tetapi dia tdk pandai menilai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blow1n 1. a blast, tiupan; (of wind) tiupan angin: a ~ from the referee’s whistle, tiupan wisel pengadil; the loud ~ of his horn, tiupan honnya yg kuat; give st a ~, meniup sst: he gave the fire a ~ with the bellows, dia meniup api itu dgn pengangin; give o’s nose a ~, menghembus /hidung, hingus/; 2. storm, badai: recurrent ~s swept the coast, badai yg berulang-ulang melanda pantai itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unfairadj 1. unjust, not fair, tdk adil: the referee was often ~, pengadil itu selalu tdk adil; an ~ decision, keputusan yg tdk adil; don’t be ~ to your students, jangan berlaku tdk adil thdp pelajar-pelajar kamu; the team won by ~ means, pasukan itu menang dgn cara yg tdk adil;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
partiality n 1. bias, sikap berat sebelah: the referee’s ~ was obvious, sikap berat sebelah pengadil itu amat ketara;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
agitatedadj 1. aroused, naik /rangsang, berangsang/: the crowd became ~ at the referee’s decision, para penonton naik berangsang dgn keputusan pengadil; 2. upset, a. (of person) terganggu fikiran, gelisah, resah; b. (of mind) terganggu, runsing; c. (of feelings) terganggu; d. (of voice) tdk tenang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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