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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : akhir, kesudahan, penghabisan; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

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Definisi : akhir; penghabisan: ~ bulan (minggu, tahun dll) akhir bulan (minggu, tahun dll). (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
hujung (kata nama)
1. Dalam konteks pisau
bersinonim dengan bahagian runcing, mata,
Berantonim dengan hulu

2. Dalam konteks jalan
bersinonim dengan bahagian akhir, punca,
Berantonim dengan pangkal

3. Dalam konteks hutan
bersinonim dengan tepi, pinggir, sempadan, batas,

4. Dalam konteks peristiwa
bersinonim dengan akhir, penghabisan, penamat, kesudahan,
Berantonim dengan awal

5. Dalam konteks perbarisan
bersinonim dengan bahagian belakang, ekor,

6. Rujuk maksud 1

Kata Terbitan : berhujung, menghujung, penghujung,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

tail-endn penghujung: the ~ of summer, penghujung musim panas; we arrived late and managed to catch only the ~ of the show, kami sampai lewat dan hanya dapat menyaksikan penghujung pertunjukan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pip 4menewaskan [sso] di penghujung + approp n: he almost won the race but was ~ped at the post,dia hampir menang tetapi tewas di penghujung perlumbaan itu; he thought he was the favourite for the position but was ~ped at the post by a relatively unknown candidate, dia fikir dialah yg paling berpeluang utk menjawat jawatan itu tetapi tewas kpd calon yg kurang dikenali di penghujung pemilihan tersebut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shaggedadj (colloq) also ~ out, exhausted, letih lesu: by the end of the day we were all ~, pd penghujung hari, kami semua sudah letih lesu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hangingn 1. punishment by execution on the gallows, hukuman gantung: ~ was abolished at the turn of the century, hukuman gantung dihapuskan di penghujung abad itu; 2. act of hanging so., penggantungan: a public ~, penggantungan di khalayak ramai; 3. (usu in pl) cloth, drapery, etc hung on the wall, approp n + dinding: expensive ~s from India, hamparan dinding yg mahal dr India.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
term5. (fml) end of a period, [various translations]: the old man’s life has reached its natural ~, orang tua itu sudah sampai ke penghujung hidupnya;his wife is too near her ~ to travel far, isterinya tdk boleh berjKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
move~ ahead, a. (in race, competition) mara: towards the end of the third lap, the red car ~d ahead into second place, kereta merah itu mara ke tempat kedua pd penghujung pusingan ketiga; b. (in job, career, etc) advance<Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 d. (in making assumption) biar; (math and philos) katakan: ~’s assume that the economy will show marked improvement by the end of this year, biar kita andaikan yg ekonomi menunjukkan pertambahan yg ketara sehingga penghujung tahun ini; ~ x = y, katakan x = y; e. (in expressing resigned acceptance) biar(lah): ~ the future take care of itself, biarlah masa hadapan yg menentukannya; 4. also ~ out, rent out, menyewakan: we have ~ the house for six months, kami menyewakan rumah itu selama enam bulan; the land has been ~ out to a furniture company, tanah itu telah disewakan kpd syarikat perabot; to ~, utk disewakan: house to ~, rumah utk disewakan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 d. (in making assumption) biar; (math and philos) katakan: ~’s assume that the economy will show marked improvement by the end of this year, biar kita andaikan yg ekonomi menunjukkan pertambahan yg ketara sehingga penghujung tahun ini; ~ x = y, katakan x = y; e. (in expressing resigned acceptance) biar(lah): ~ the future take care of itself, biarlah masa hadapan yg menentukannya; 4. also ~ out, rent out, menyewakan: we have ~ the house for six months, kami menyewakan rumah itu selama enam bulan; the land has been ~ out to a furniture company, tanah itu telah disewakan kpd syarikat perabot; to ~, utk disewakan: house to ~, rumah utk disewakan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
red-brickadj 1. of reddish-brown brick, bata, batu bata; 2. (of more recent British universities) baru: ~ universities are established in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Britain, universiti-universiti baru ini dibina di Britain pd penghujung abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
realityn kenyataan, hakikat, realiti: the realities of life, kenyataan hidup; his dreams have become a ~, impiannya telah menjadi kenyataan; in ~, pd /hakikatnya, kenyataan, realitinya/, sebenarnya: it appears to be easy but in ~ it’s not, nampaknya mudah saja tetapi pd hakikatnya tdk; sense of ~, merasakan spt berada di alam nyata: towards the end of that terrible journey, he lost all sense of ~, di penghujung perjalanan yg dahsyat itu, dia merasakan spt tdk berada di alam nyata.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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