Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[pe.ré.da.ran]/[per.é.da.ran] | ڤرايدرن

Definisi : 1. perihal beredar, gerakan yg berkeliling: ~ matahari; 2. perjalanan dr satu tempat ke tempat lain; 3. perpindahan (wang) dr tangan ke tangan (dlm masyarakat); 4. perkembangan drpd suatu keadaan kpd yg lain: ~ hidup; ~ dunia = ~ zaman perkembangan atau p (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[pe.ré.da.ran]/[per.é.da.ran] | ڤرايدرن

Definisi : 1 hal atau keadaan beredar; pergerakan (perjalanan) berkeliling: ~ bumi. 2 perubahan drpd satu keadaan kpd satu keadaan lain; peralihan dr satu tempat ke satu tempat lain. 3 perpindahan (wang) dr tangan ke tangan. 4 perubahan atau perkembangan masa: ~ zaman. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata peredaran

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

circulationn 1. flow, movement through a circuit, peredaran: the ~ of air through the pipes, peredaran udara melalui paip-paip itu; 2. movement of blood through the body, peredaran darah: his ~ was poor, peredaran darahnya lemah; 3. dissemination, penyebaran; (number of copies regularly sold) edaran: the ~ of such rumours will only fan public resentment against the ailing government, penyebaran khabar angin spt itu akan hanya memarakkan rasa marah orang ramai thdp kerajaan yg semakin lemah itu; the newspaper has a wide ~, akhbar itu mempunyai edaran yg luas; a magazine with a ~ of 100,000, majalah yg mempunyai edaran sebanyak 100,000 naskhah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cyclen 1. orbit, peredaran: the lunar ~, peredaran bulan; 2. repeated sequence, a. (of events) kitaran, pusingan; b. (of seasons) peredaran; 3. completed series of related processes, kitaran: life ~ of a bee, kitaran hayat seekor lebah; 4. (phys) kitaran; ~s per second, kitaran sesaat; 5. bicycle, basikal; ~ track, ~ way, lorong basikal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
circulatoryadj peredaran: the ~ system, sistem peredaran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
revolutionn 1. movement in a circle, peredaran: the yearly ~ of the earth round the sun, peredaran bumi mengelilingi matahari setiap tahun; 2. complete turn of a wheel etc, putaran: the ~ of a wheel, putaran roda; a spindle that turns at the rate of 6,000 ~s a minute, spindel yg berpusing pd kadar 6,000 putaran seminit; 3. complete change in thought, belief, etc, revolusi: our grandparents are reluctant to accept the present ~s in social behaviour, datuk nenek kami enggan menerima revolusi dlm tingkah laku sosial zaman sekarang; the ~ brought about by Einstein’s theories, revolusi yg dibawa oleh teori Eistein; 4. forcible change of government, revolusi: the French R~, Revolusi Perancis.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
move~ with; ~ with the times, mengikut peredaran masa: the company has not ~d with the times and has lost out to its competitors, syarikat itu tdk mengikut peredaran masa, lalu tewas di tangan saingannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
marchthe ~ of time, peredaran zaman, perjalanan masa; on the~, bergerak, dlm perjalanan; (of time) berlalu, berjalan, bergerak: the unit was three days on the ~, unit itu sudah tiga hari bergerak; time is always on the ~, wakKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
timemove with the ~s, berubah mengikut peredaran zaman;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
circulation put st into ~, mengedarkan sst: the decimal coins were put into ~ last August, syiling decimal itu diedarkan pd bulan Ogos lalu; withdraw st from ~, menarik sst drpd peredaran: the one thousand dollar note might be withdrawn from ~, wang kertas seribu ringgit mungkin ditarik drpd peredaran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
withdraw9. take back, menarik balik: the new coin has been ~n from circulation, syiling baru itu telah ditarik balik dr peredaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
harmonize, harmonisevt mengharmonikan: to ~ the tune, mengharmonikan lagu itu; to ~ o’s views with the times, mengharmonikan pendapat sso dgn peredaran masa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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