Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ra/] | رق

Definisi : 1. bunyi spt bunyi pena yg digoreskan; 2. bunyi spt bunyi kayu patah dll; ~-rok bunyi pokok yg patah; ® derak. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ra/] | رق

Definisi : sj para-para drpd kayu atau logam utk meletakkan pinggan mangkuk, buku, dll; ~ buku para atau tempat meletakkan buku. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ra/] | رق

Definisi : Kl semak-samun (tipis). (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ra/] | رق

Definisi : 2 almari tempat menyimpan buku dll. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)

[ra/] | رق

Definisi : 1 para-para tempat meletakkan pinggan mangkuk, alat-alat dapur dll. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Rujuk :para

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

uprightn tiang: the shelves are fixed to steel ~s, rak-rak dipasang pd tiang besi itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
patina 2. any fine layer on a surface, berselaput: the higher shelves were covered with a ~ of dust, rak-rak yg di sebelah atas berselaput habuk; 3. the shine on a surface due to age, licin dan berkilat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
rack 1 n 1. framework, stand , a. (for holding things ) rak: a plate - ~ , rak pinggan; a toast - ~ , rak roti bakar; mail ~ , rak surat; cake - ~ , redai (kuih); b. ( for hanging clothes, hat, etc ) tempat gantung ( approp n ): the customer did not put the suit back on the ~ , pelanggan itu tdk meletakkan semula sut itu pd tempat gantung baju; 2. shelf in railway carriage, airliner, etc , rak, para(-para): a luggage - ~ , rak bagasi; 3. toothed bar , rak; 4. instrument of torture , pangkin penyeksaan; on the ~ , ( fig. ) sangat terseksa;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cram2. fill (st) too full, memadatkan; (of people) menyesakkan, memadati; (mouth) menyumbat: he ~med his speech with quotations, dia memadatkan ucapannya dgn petikan; department stores ~med their shelves with goods for Christmas, gedung-gedung serbaneka memadatkan rak-rak dgn barang-barang utk Christmas; football fans ~med the stadium, peminat-peminat bola sepak menyesakkan stadium itu; hungry children ~ming their mouths with food, anak-anak yg kelaparan menyumbat mulut mereka dgn makanan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shelfb. single piece of board fixed in a framework, tingkat, rak; (set of shelves) rak: the cupboard has six shelves, almari itu mempunyai enam tingkat; there are shelves and shelves of books in his library, terdapat buku berak-berak di perpustakaannya; you’ll find all the Dutch books on the fourth ~, kamu boleh mendapati semua buku bahasa Belanda di rak ke empat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bare4. without the usual furnishings, tdk berhias: a ~ room, bilik yg tdk berhias; 5. mere, plain, sahaja, hanya: the ~ outline of the plot, hanya garis kasar plot itu; he weighed a ~ 50 kg, berat badannya hanya 50 kg; the ~ facts, hakikat yg sebenarnya; 6. basic, asas: ~ /essentials, necessities/, keperluan-keperluan asas; 7. empty, kosong: the ~ book shelves, rak-rak buku yg kosong; 8. very low, sedikit sahaja: by a ~ majority, dgn kelebihan undi yg sedikit sahaja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shelvingn 1. material used for making shelves, (bahan) /tingkat, rak/: the ~ is made of oak, bahan rak semuanya dibuat drpd kayu oak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stack 5. (usu in pl) compact structure of bookshelves as in a library, rak buku: the ~s are lit from above, rak simpanan itu diterangi dr atas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 ~ st into, a. allow st to enter, memberi sst masuk ke dlm: he wouldn’t ~ the cat into the flat, dia tdk memberi kucing itu masuk ke dlm rumah pangsanya; b. cause (water etc) to enter, membiarkan sst masuk ke dlm: you’d better ~ some air into this room, it’s so stuffy, biarkan udara masuk ke dlm bilik ini, bilik ini pengap sangat; c. put st into the surface of, memasangkan sst [ke] dlm: shelves were ~ into one of the walls in the study, rak-rak dipasangkan dlm salah satu dinding bilik bacaan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 ~ st into, a. allow st to enter, memberi sst masuk ke dlm: he wouldn’t ~ the cat into the flat, dia tdk memberi kucing itu masuk ke dlm rumah pangsanya; b. cause (water etc) to enter, membiarkan sst masuk ke dlm: you’d better ~ some air into this room, it’s so stuffy, biarkan udara masuk ke dlm bilik ini, bilik ini pengap sangat; c. put st into the surface of, memasangkan sst [ke] dlm: shelves were ~ into one of the walls in the study, rak-rak dipasangkan dlm salah satu dinding bilik bacaan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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