Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : para atau tempat meletakkan buku. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Rujuk :para

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

stack 5. (usu in pl) compact structure of bookshelves as in a library, rak buku: the ~s are lit from above, rak simpanan itu diterangi dr atas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sectionaladj 1. consisting of sections, terdiri drpd beberapa bahagian: ~ furniture, perabot yg terdiri drpd beberapa bahagian; a ~ bookcase, rak buku yg terdiri drpd beberapa bahagian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bare4. without the usual furnishings, tdk berhias: a ~ room, bilik yg tdk berhias; 5. mere, plain, sahaja, hanya: the ~ outline of the plot, hanya garis kasar plot itu; he weighed a ~ 50 kg, berat badannya hanya 50 kg; the ~ facts, hakikat yg sebenarnya; 6. basic, asas: ~ /essentials, necessities/, keperluan-keperluan asas; 7. empty, kosong: the ~ book shelves, rak-rak buku yg kosong; 8. very low, sedikit sahaja: by a ~ majority, dgn kelebihan undi yg sedikit sahaja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fall~ over, a. fall forward, tersungkur: he slipped and fell over, dia tergelincir lalu tersungkur; b. fall from upright to horizontal position, tumbang: the book rack fell over with a loud crash, rak buku itu tumbang dgn bunyi yg kuat; ~ over os, (colloq) bertungkus lumus; ~ over backwards, see BEND (bend over backwards);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bolt2vt 1. close with a bolt, memalang, menyelak: he locked and ~ed the door, dia mengunci dan menyelak pintu itu; 2. secure with bolt, /melekatkan, memasang/ (dgn bolt): the bookcase is ~ed to the wall, rak buku dilekatkan dgn bolt pd dinding;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hand~ down, a. pass to so. on lower level, menurunkan: to ~ down the books from the top shelf, menurunkan buku-buku dr rak atas; b. pass from older to younger person, menurunkan: clothes can be ~ed down from one child to another, pakaian boleh diturunkan drpd seorang anak kpd anak yg lain; c. pass from one generation to another, menurunkan: this picture has been ~ed down through our family for generations, gambar ini telah diturunkan drpd generasi ke generasi dlm keluarga kami; d. (leg.) mengumumkan: the court is expected to ~ down its decision tomorrow, mahkamah dijangka mengumumkan keputusannya esok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shelve 1 vt 1. put on a shelf, meletakkan di rak: our latest acquisitions have not yet been ~ed, buku-buku yg baru kita peroleh belum lagi diletakkan di rak; 2. (fig.) put aside, menangguhkan, menunda:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
rank 1 vt 1. arrange in a line or lines, membariskan, menderetkan: the books were ~ed on the shelves according to size, buku-buku itu dibariskan di rak mengikut saiz; 2. assign a certain position, menempatkan, meletakkan: I would ~ him the greatest footballer in the world, saya cenderung menempatkannya sbg pemain bola sepak terhebat di dunia; 3. include, menganggap: I ~ him amongst my friends, saya menganggapnya salah seorang kawan saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
selectvt memilih: he ~ed a few books from the shelves, dia memilih beberapa buah buku dr rak itu; you’ve been ~ed to represent DBP at the convention, saudara telah dipilih utk mewakili DBP di persidangan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shelfb. single piece of board fixed in a framework, tingkat, rak; (set of shelves) rak: the cupboard has six shelves, almari itu mempunyai enam tingkat; there are shelves and shelves of books in his library, terdapat buku berak-berak di perpustakaannya; you’ll find all the Dutch books on the fourth ~, kamu boleh mendapati semua buku bahasa Belanda di rak ke empat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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