Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[re.ka.han] | رکهن

Definisi : pecahan, retakan, belahan: diintai menerusi ~ dinding; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[re.ka.han] | رکهن

Definisi : retak yg memanjang dan terbuka; belah. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : rekahan, merekah, merekahkan, kerekahan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

plaster~ over, menutup: those cracks in the wall will have to be ~ed over, rekahan-rekahan pd dinding itu mesti ditutup; the disagreement has been ~ed over so that the party can present a united front to the world, pertelingkahan itu ditutup utk menunjukkan kpd dunia bahawa parti itu bersatu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
seepwater was ~ing out through the cracks in the wall of the dam, air meresap keluar melalui rekahan-rekahan pd tembok empangan itu;the rain ~ed into the ground, air hujan meresap ke dlm tanah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
seal 1 c. (crack, hole, etc) menampal: the painter ~ed up the cracks in the wall before applying the paint, tukang cat itu menampal rekahan-rekahan pd dinding sebelum mengecatnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
accentuatevt 1. see ACCENT (senses 1. & 2.); 2. make conspicuous, menyerlahkan, menampakkan lagi: eye make-up ~s the colour of the eyes, solekan mata menyerlahkan warna mata; the lighting ~s the cracks in the ceiling, cahaya lampu itu menampakkan lagi rekahan-rekahan di siling; 3. (fig.) emphasize, menonjolkan, menegaskan: incidents which ~ the instability of the region, kejadian-kejadian yg menonjolkan ketidakstabilan rantau tersebut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cranniedadj penuh rekahan: ~ hillside, lereng bukit yg penuh rekahan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bugger~ /about, around/, (colloq) a. waste time doing unnecessary things, membuang masa: stop ~ing about and do some useful work, jangan membuang masa, buatlah kerja yg berguna; b. behave irresponsibly or in a silly way, main-main: stop ~ing about with that paintbrush and fill those cracks, jangan main-main dgn brus cat. Tampal rekahan-rekahan itu; ~ so. /about, around/, (colloq) cause so. problems, membuat sso susah: they really ~ you about at the Immigration office, mereka betul-betul membuat kita susah di Pejabat Imigresen.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cleft 1n rekahan; (in chin) lekuk: she hid it in a ~ in the rock, dia menyembunyikannya dlm rekahan batu; he had a noticeable ~ in his chin, lekuk pd dagunya ketara sekali.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crackn 1. fissure, split, rekahan: we could see through a ~ in the wall, kami dapat melihat menerusi rekahan di dinding; 2. slight split accompanied by thin lines, retak: a cup full of ~s, cawan yg banyak retaknya; 3. sudden, sharp noise, [various translations]: the ~ of a rifle shot, bunyi letupan senapang; the ~ of thunder, bunyi dentuman guruh; the ~ of a whip, bunyi lecutan cemeti; 4. attempt, percubaan: his first ~ at writing a book, percubaan pertamanya menulis buku; 5. see WISECRACK;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breach2. gap esp in defensive wall, fortification, rekahan: they charged through the ~ in the wall, mereka menyerang melalui rekahan pd tembok itu; 3. break, hole (as in a hedge, fence) lubang: the goats made a ~ in the hedge, kambing itu membuat lubang pd pagar; 4. break in friendly relations, hubungan...terputus, (ter)putusnya: the ~ between the two families was healed after 20 years, kedua-dua keluarga itu berbaik semula selepas 20 tahun hubungan antaranya terputus; the incident caused a ~ between the countries, peristiwa itu menyebabkan hubungan antara negeri-negeri itu terputus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fissure1. crack in the ground or a rock, rekahan: weeds growing in the ~s, rumpai yg tumbuh pd rekahan; 2. (tech) fisur.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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