Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : negeri di Malaysia yg terletak di timur laut Borneo, keluasan 73 711 km2, Kota Kinabalu sbg ibu negeri, Negeri Di Bawah Bayu; kesabahan bkn sifat kenegerian seseorang yg berasal dr Sabah (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata sabah

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

timber3. wood for building, kayu (binaan): our ~ wood is imported from Sabah, kayu binaan kami diimport dr Sabah; the houses are built of ~, rumah-rumah itu dibina drpd kayu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
incorporatevt 1. make part of a whole, menggabungkan: Sabah and Sarawak were ~d into Malaysia in 1963, Sabah dan Sarawak digabungkan ke dlm Malaysia pd tahun 1963; a call-back facility has been ~d into the computerized telephone, kemudahan panggil balik telah digabungkan ke dlm telefon berkomputer itu; 2. have as part of whole, mengandungi: the memorandum ~d most of the suggestions put forward, memorandum itu mengandungi kebanyakan cadangan yg dikemukakan; 3. (US) form into corporation, memperbadankan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
somewhereadv in, at, to some place or point, [frequently not translated]: he wrote to us from a village ~ in Sabah, dia menulis kpd kami dr sebuah kampung di Sabah; I read ~ that traditional Chinese medicine can cure cancer, saya ada terbaca entah di mana bahawa ubat tradisional Cina boleh menyembuhkan kanser;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
have~ so. /down, over, up/, (as guest) menjemput sso (sbg tetamu): we’re having 50 students over from Sabah next week, kita telah menjemput 50 orang mahasiswa dr Sabah sbg tetamu minggu depan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forlorn hopen hopeless attempt, usaha yg tak mungkin berjaya: trying to find the missing man in the jungles of Sabah was a ~, mencuba mencari orang yg hilang itu di hutan Sabah ialah usaha yg tdk mungkin berjaya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
formerlyadv dahulu(nya), dulu(nya): he was ~ wealthy, dahulu dia kaya-raya; Kota Kinabalu, ~ Jesselton, is the capital of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, dulunya Jesselton, ialah ibu negeri Sabah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fine1b. visually appealing, indah, sangat cantik; (of animal) cantik: some of the ~st views in Malaysia are to be found in Sabah, sesetengah pemandangan yg paling indah di Malaysia terdapat di Sabah; that’s a ~ black stallion I just saw in your field, tadi saya nampak seekor kuda jantan hitam yg cantik di padang kamu; 2. (delicate in texture, structure, etc) halus; (delicately made) halus buatannya: she has ~ skin, kulitnya halus; ~ features, raut muka yg halus; ~ silk, sutera yg halus; ~ porcelain bowls, mangkuk tembikar yg halus buatannya; 3. very thin, slender, halus: ~ thread, benang yg halus; she could not read the instructions because the print was too ~, dia tdk dapat membaca arahan itu krn hurufnya terlalu halus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
muchii. (with compar adj) hampir sama [positive adj], [or use compar adj] sedikit: the area of the Benelux is not ~ greater than that of Sabah, daerah Benelux hampir sama luasnya dgn negeri Sabah or lebih luas sedikitKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
festivaln 1. occasion for religious or customary celebration, (if solemn) perayaan; (if festive) pesta: the Moon Cake F~, perayaan Kuih Bulan; the Harvest F~ in Sabah, Pesta Menuai di Sabah; 2. cultural, musical event or entertainment, pesta, temasya: a pop ~, pesta pop; the Asian Film F~, Pesta Filem Asia.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
governorn 1. person who governs colony, territory, gabenor; (in Sabah until 1974) Yang Dipertua Negara; (in Malaysia, after 1975) Yang Dipertua Negeri: the G~ of Hong Kong, Gabenor Hong Kong; 2. person who governs a state in the US, gabenor; 3. administrative head of an organization, institute, gabenor: the ~ of Bank Negara, Gabenor Bank Negara; 4. (mech device) pengawal imbang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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