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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : lautan: masing-masing melihat jauh ke tengah ~. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
samudera (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan laut, lautan, segara, jeladeri, jeladri;,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

maritimeadj 1. living in the sea, laut, samudera: ~ animals, haiwan samudera; ~ plants, tumbuh-tumbuhan laut; 2. dependent on the sea, kelautan, samudera: ~ climate, iklim kelautan; Srivijaya was a ~ empiKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ocean-goingadj laut, samudera: ~ ship, kapal samudera.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
oceann 1. sea, laut; (tech) laut, samudera: the ship sank to the bottom of the ~, kapal itu tenggelam hingga ke dasar laut; 2. one of the five oceans of the world, lautan: the Pacific O~, Lautan Pasifik; ~ liner, kapal/ samudera, laut/; 3. very large area, lautan: an ~ of sand, lautan pasir; 4. (colloq) great number, quantity, banyak; (of flowers, food) berlambak-lambak; (of money) bertimbun-timbun, berlambak-lambak: we have ~s of room in the new house, ada banyak bilik dlm rumah baru kami; don’t hurry! We’ve ~s of time, tak usah tergesa-gesa! Kita ada banyak masa; there seemed to be ~s of food on the table, makanan kelihatan berlambak-lambak di atas meja.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
billown 1. large sea wave, gelombang (besar), ombak besar: the huge ~ dashed against the rock, gelombang besar menghempas ke batu; 2. swelling mass, kepulan, gumpalan: ~s of smoke, kepulan-kepulan asap; 3. (poet.) sea, samudera: afloat on the ~s, terapung-apung di samudera;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
embracevt 1. hold closely in the arms, memeluk, merangkul, mendakap: she ~d her daughter tenderly, dia memeluk anaknya dgn mesra; 2. enclose, encircle, melingkari, melingkungi, mengelilingi: an island ~d by the blue waters of the ocean, sebuah pulau yg dilingkari samudera yg biru; 3. accept eagerly, mengambil (dgn tangan terbuka): he ~d the opportunity to go overseas gladly, dia dgn gembiranya mengambil peluang pergi ke luar negeri; 4. adopt, memeluk:he ~d Islam while he was living in Pakistan, dia memeluk agama Islam semasa dia tinggal di Pakistan;5. include, comprise, merangkum, mencakup, meliputi: the book ~s many different subjects, buku itu merangkum beberapa banyak perkara yg berlainan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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