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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Alladv 1. wholly, entirely, a. (with adj or n) semuanya, seluruhnya [adj, n], [adj, n] semuanya, seluruhnya; (expressing predominance) belaka; (of a variety of objects in a set having some colour or favourable quality in common) serba: this story is not ~ true, cerita ini tdk semuanya benar; the world around him grew ~ dark and misty, dunia di sekelilingnya menjadi gelap dan berkabut belaka; my kitchen equipment is ~ new, peralatan dapur saya serba baru; dressed ~ in silk, berpakaian serba sutera;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
Allor istana itu tdk binasa seluruhnya; 4. (in combination with n) the whole length, duration (of) sepanjang: we sang ~ the way home, kami bernyanyi sepanjang jalan pulang ke rumah; ~ (of) next week, sepanjang minggu depan; ~ (the) year (round) sepanjang tahun; ~ day (long), sepanjang hari, sehari suntuk, sehari-harian; ~ night (long), sepanjang malam, semalam-malaman; in ~ my life, sepanjang /umur, hayat/ saya, seumur hidup saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
whole2. entire, complete, a. (gen) seluruh(nya), semua(nya): the ~ city was destroyed by the earthquake, seluruh bandar itu musnah akibat gempa bumi; let’s forget about the ~ thing, marilah kita lupakan perkara itu seluruhnya; he inherited $500,000 and lost the ~ lot gambling, dia mewarisi wang sebanyak $500,000 dan menghabiskan semuanya dgn berjudi; his ~ body was covered with scars, seluruh badannya penuh dgn parut; you must give your ~ mind to the problem, kamu mesti menumpukan seluruh perhatian kamu pd masalah itu; b. (of time, distance), i. (gen) sepanjang: I spent the ~ afternoon in the garden, sepanjang petang itu saya bekerja di kebun; trees are planted along the ~ length of the field, pokok-pokok ditanam di sepanjang padang itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
Allthat’s ~, itu sajalah; (at end of letter, news report, speech) sekian(lah): that’s ~ the news for now from the United Nations headquarters, sekianlah dahulu berita dr ibu pejabat Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu; 3. (in combination with n) the whole extent (of) seluruh(nya), keseluruhannya: ~ (of) Western Europe is experiencing abnormally high temperatures, seluruh Eropah Barat or Eropah Barat seluruhnya or Eropah Barat keseluruhannya sedang mengalami suhu yg luar biasa tingginya; not ~ of the palace was destroyed, bukan seluruh istana itu yang binasa or istana itu tdk seluruhnya binasaKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
wholen 1. all, keseluruhan, seluruh: he spent the ~ of June abroad, dia menghabiskan keseluruhan bulan Jun di luar negeri; the fire did not damage the ~ of the house, api tdk merosakkan keseluruhan rumah itu; he takes the ~ of his pay home, dia membawa balik keseluruhan gajinya; the ~ of Asia, seluruh Asia; 2. thing complete in itself, totality, keseluruhan: this is a fragment of a greater ~, ini ialah sebahagian drpd satu keseluruhan yg lebih besar; an integrated ~, satu keseluruhan yg bersepadu; make a ~, jadi satu: four quarters make a ~, empat kali suku jadi satu; as a ~, a. considered as one piece and not a separate part, seluruhnya: is the land going to be divided up or sold as a ~?, apakah tanah itu akan dibahagikan atau akan dijual seluruhnya?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
rebuildvt 1. (house, building, etc), /membina, mendirikan/ semula; (district, town, etc) membangunkan semula: they rebuilt the house on the same site, mereka membina semula rumah itu di tapak yg sama; the city of Agadir has been completely rebuilt since the earthquake, bandar Agadir telah dibangunkan semula seluruhnya sejak gempa bumi itu; 2. (fig.) membina semula: he decided to turn over a new leaf and ~ his life, dia mengambil keputusan utk mengubah perangainya dan membina semula hidupnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forestallvt 1. prevent by timely action, menghalang: the bombing of the airfields enabled them to ~ further attacks, pengeboman lapangan kapal terbang membolehkan mereka menghalang serangan selanjutnya; 2. anticipate, act first, mendahului, approp v + lebih dahulu: when I was about to take the seat, a lady ~ed me, sewaktu saya hendak duduk, seorang wanita mendahului saya; my question was all prepared, but Williams ~ed me, pertanyaan saya siap sedia seluruhnya, tetapi William mengajukan pertanyaan lebih dahulu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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