Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | سيتواسي

Definisi : 1. keadaan, kedudukan, atau suasana sesuatu perkara: besok ~ mungkin semakin buruk; 2. letaknya sesuatu, kedudukan. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | سيتواسي

Definisi : suasana yg meliputi sesuatu masa (peristiwa dsb); keadaan. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Bahasa Asal :Inggeris
Rujuk :ada, keadaan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

size 1 vt; ~ up, form a judgement, opinion about, menilai: he was quick to ~ up a situation and act accordingly, dia cepat menilai sesuatu situasi dan bertindak mengikut situasi itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
situation2. state of affairs, keadaan, situasi: the ~ in Lebanon has deteriorated, keadaan di Lebanon bertambah buruk; the company is in a bad financial ~, syarikat itu dlm keadaaan kewangan yg buruk; there are rules to govern every ~ , terdapat peraturan utk mengawal setiap keadaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
regardthe situation must be ~ed as serious, situasi itu mesti dianggap serius; he is ~ed as having betrayed his country, dia dianggap telah mengkhianati negerinya; he is highly ~ed here, dia dipandang tinggi di sini; 3. look carefully, memperhati: grandmother ~ed him closely and noted the sadness in his eyes, nenek memperhatinya dgn teliti dan dapat mengesan kesedihan di matanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
succeeding during the ~ weeks, the situation worsened, dlm minggu-minggu berikutnya, situasi itu bertambah buruk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
evaluationn penilaian: a quick ~ of the situation, penilaian situasi itu sepintas lalu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ticklish2. delicate, sensitif: that was a ~ situation, itu situasi yg sensitif.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ensuingadj berikutnya: in the ~ months the situation worsened, dlm bulan-bulan berikutnya situasi itu bertambah buruk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
review/be, come/ under ~, sedang dikaji semula: the situation is under ~ by the government, situasi itu sedang dikaji semula oleh kerajaan; /be, come up/ for ~, akan dikaji semula: the case is coming up for ~ next month, kes itu akan dikaji semula pd bulan depan; keep st under ~, sentiasa mengkaji semula sst: it is necessary to keep the prices of basic foodstuffs under ~, adalah perlu sentiasa mengkaji semula harga barang makanan utama;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
worldthe ~ over, di /serata, seluruh, seantero/ dunia: children the ~ over behave the same way, kanak-kanak di serata dunia berkelakuan sama saja; the best of both ~s, /faedah, untung/ dr kedua-dua situasi: she seems to enjoy the best of both ~s, nampaknya dia menikmati faedah dr kedua-dua situasi; the end of the ~, kiamat; the /next, other/ ~, the ~ to come, akhirat; the (person of specified type) of this ~, yg + approp adj dlm dunia ini: the brave of this ~, orang yg berani dlm dunia ini; there is a ~ of difference, memang jauh bezanya: there is a ~ of difference between him and his brother, memang jauh bezanya antara dia dgn abangnya; what will the ~ say, apa kata orang; wouldn’t do (st) for the ~, (colloq) tak sekali-kali: I would not hurt him for the ~, saya tak sekali-kali akan melukai hatinya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
termscome to ~ with st, menerima sst: he has come to ~ with a difficult situation, dia terpaksa menerima situasi yg sukar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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