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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata sl

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

boot1get the ~, (sl) dah kena tendang; give so. the ~, (sl) tendang sso keluar; give st a ~, /menendang, menerajang/ sst: he gave the door a ~, dia menendang pintu itu; hang up o’s ~s, (colloq) bersara, berhenti bermain, pencen; (from work) pencen; lick so’s ~s, (colloq) /mengampu, membodek/ sso; the ~ is on the other /foot, leg/, (not fml) sekarang sudah terbalik kot; you bet your ~s, (sl) saya berani bertaruh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fata ~ chance, (sl) mana ada peluang: a ~ chance I’ve got of getting the day off, mana ada peluang saya dapat cuti hari ini; a ~ lot, (sl) mana: a ~ lot you care, mana kamu peduli; a ~ lot you know about it, mana kau tahu ttg hal ini; a ~ lot of good, (sl) tak ada gunanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
kingdom -comen (sl) alam baqa; gone to ~, kembali ke alam baqa; till ~, (sl) sampai kucing bertanduk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
itn 1. (sl) important moment, masanya: this is ~!, inilah masanya!; 2. (sl) sexual intercourse, -nya: I haven’t had ~ for a few days now, sudah beberapa hari saya tak mendapatnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hootnot care /a ~, two ~s/, (sl) tak /kisah, peduli/ langsung: he doesn’t care two ~s what happens to us, dia tak ped uli langsung apa yg jadi pd kita; not matter /a ~, two ~s/, (sl) tak jadi hal: it does not matter a ~ where I work, di mana saya bekerja tak jadi hal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bugn 1. (insect) kepinding, pijat, pepijat, pijat-pijat; 2. see BEDBUG; 3. (sl) germ, kuman: flu ~, kuman flu; 4. (sl) craze, gila: she’s been bitten by the travel ~, dia gila mengembara; 5. (colloq) fault esp in computer or computer programme, pepijat, kesilapan; 6. concealed microphone as used in espionage, peranti pepijat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pip 3 n; /have, get the/ ~, (sl) geram, bengang, naik marah, berang: I don’t know what’s upset him - he’s really got the ~ today, saya tak tahu apa yg telah mengganggunya – dia betul-betul berang hari ini; give so. the ~, (sl) membuat sso /naik marah, berang, geram/: this sort of behaviour really gives me the ~, perbuatan spt itu betul-betul membuat saya geram.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
straight8. (of play, acting style) serious, serius: we prefer musicals to ~ plays, kami lebih menyukai drama muzik drpd drama serius; 9. (sl) heterosexual, heteroseksual, normal; 10. (sl) conventional, /tertib, beradab/ sangat: he is a good person but awfully ~, dia bagus orangnya tetapi tertib sangat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dragn 1. also drag-net, pukat tarik; 2. (sl) st that is boring or a nuisance, tak seronok: living with my folks is such a ~, tak seronok tinggal dgn orang tua aku; 3. (sl) so. who is boring or a nuisance, [various translations]: don’t be such a ~ – one drink won’t hurt you, jangan kolot sangat – minum satu gelas tak akan jadi apa-apa; 4. (resistance of air) seretan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
batty(sl) miring (otaknya), kurang siuman, tiga suku.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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