Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n (burung) layang-layang. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : she was ~ to criticize our action, dia cepat sahaja mengkritik tindakan kami; a man who was ~ to anger, lelaki yg cepat naik marah; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 2. quick, prompt, (dgn) cepat: the appeal got a ~ response from the members of the public, rayuan itu dgn cepat mendapat sambutan orang ramai; he was forced to make a ~ decision, dia terpaksa membuat keputusan dgn cepat; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : b. (of river, current, etc) flowing very quickly, (mengalir) deras: ~-flowing streams, air sungai yg mengalir deras; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : adj 1. (often used in compounds) a. (of animal, person) capable of moving very quickly, pantas; (of vehicle) laju: the ~est horse in the stable, kuda yg paling pantas di kandang itu; he needed a ~-footed horse, dia memerlukan kuda yg berlari pantas; a ~ runner, pelari yg pantas; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata swift


JudulPenerbitKeluaranTahun TerbitISBN
Swift : an introductionOxford University PressTiada1955 
Swift, JonathanDewan Bahasa dan PustakaTiada  
Great Books of the Western world. 36; Swift, SterneEncyclopedia Britannica IncTiada1988 
Britannica great books of the western world 36 : Swift SterneEncyclopedia Britannica IncTiada1952 
Social anthropology of the Malays: collected essays of M.G.Swift Tiada2001967-942-494-4

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