Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | تاتاچارا

Definisi : 1. adat istiadat; 2. adat resam; 3. cara dan peraturan, prosedur: ~ pembentukan istilah; ~ permohonan. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | تاتاچارا

Definisi : adat resam; adat istiadat. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
tatacara (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan cara, sistem, peraturan, jalan, kaedah, metode, pendekatan, prosedur, teknik.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

proceduren tatacara, prosedur: there are certain ~s for resolving labour disputes, ada tatacara tertentu utk menyelesaikan pertikaian buruh; they did not follow the usual ~, mereka tdk mengikut tatacara biasa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
orderb. (allowed, permitted, according to the rules) mengikut tatacara; (with negative) menyalahi tatacara; (appropriate) sesuai: it will not be in ~ to get a junior officer to chair the meeting, adalah menyalahi tatacara jika pegawai rendah disuruh mempengerusikan mesyuarat itu; such behaviour was hardly in ~, kelakuan spt itu sama sekali tdk sesuai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
proceduraladjtatacara, prosedur: certain ~ questions were dealt with at committee level, beberapa persoalan ttg tatacara dibincangkan di peringkat jawatankuasaKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
orderout of ~, a. not working, rosak: the phone is out of ~, telefon itu rosak; b. not according to the rules (of meeting, committee, etc) tdk mengikut tatacara: the question is out of ~, soalan itu tdk mengikut tatacara mesyuarat; take holy ~s, menjadi paderi; to ~, on demand, apabila diarahkan: a promising starlet who can weep to ~, bintang harapan yg dapat menangis apabila diarahkan; under ~s, diperintah: the sentries are under ~s to shoot on sight, sentri-sentri itu diperintah menembak apabila ternampak orang yg berkenaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
form4. (gram.) bentuk: the plural ~s of English verbs, bentuk-bentuk jamak kata kerja Inggeris; 5. document to be filled in, borang: an application ~, borang permohonan; to fill in a ~, mengisi borang; 6. series of prescribed actions, ceremony, tatacara: the traditional ~ of the marriage service, tatacara tradisional perkahwinan; 7. class in secondary school, tingkatan; 8. a. (in sport) fitness, ability, kecergasan, ketangkasan: his ~ has deteriorated recently, kecergasannya telah menurun akhir-akhir ini; b. performance, prestasi: judging by recent ~, West Germany should easily win the match tonight, memandangkan prestasinya baru-baru ini, Jerman Barat agaknya akan memenangi perlawanan malam ini dgn mudah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
impelvt force, drive, (act.) mendorong; (pass.) terdorong: shortage of money ~led him to take the first job he was offered, kekurangan wang mendorongnya utk menerima jawatan pertama yg ditawarkan kepadanya; he felt ~led to object to the procedures, dia berasa terdorong utk menolak tatacara itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
break7. change, perubahan: the few days at the seaside made a pleasant ~, beberapa hari di pantai itu merupakan suatu perubahan yg menyenangkan; there is no sign on the weather map of any ~ in the weather, dlm peta cuaca itu tdk ada sebarang tanda perubahan cuaca akan berlaku; 8. deviation (of ball) kelencongan (pantulan) bola: the batsman didn’t allow for the ~, pemukul tdk memperhitungkan kelencongan pantulan bola; 9. departure, penyimpangan: this ~ with normal procedure has given rise to some problems, penyimpangan drpd tatacara yg biasa ini telah menimbulkan beberapa masalah; a ~ with tradition, penyimpangan drpd tradisi; 10. (snooker etc) brek: his biggest ~ before this match is 87, skornya yg paling tinggi sebelum pertandingan ini ialah 87;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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