Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

indefinitelyadv (for an uncertain period of time) bagi tempoh masa yg tdk pasti; (for an unlimited period of time) bagi tempoh masa yg tdk terbatas; (in loose usage) utk selama-lamanya: the meeting was postponed ~, mesyuarat itu ditangguhkan bagi tempoh masa yg tdk pasti; such policies cannot be sustained ~, dasar-dasar begini tdk dapat dipertahankan bagi tempoh masa yg tdk terbatas; you can’t stay here ~, kamu tdk boleh tinggal di sini utk selama-lamanya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
timeallotted (period of) ~, tempoh masa: the allotted ~ for this examination is three hours, tempoh masa utk peperiksaan ini ialah tiga jam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unclouded2. untroubled, tdk ada kekeruhan: a period of ~ joy, tempoh masa riang yg tdk ada kekeruhan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
streak 3. limited period of success or failure (usu in gambling etc) tempoh, masa: a long ~ of bad luck has put the business into financial difficulties, satu tempoh kegagalan yg begitu lama telah menyebabkan perniagaan itu menghadapi kesulitan kewangan:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
periodn 1. portion of time, masa; (within certain limits) tempoh, masa; (of rain, drought, etc) masa, musim: a ~ of unrest in the country, masa tdk tenteram di negara itu; she went through a difficult ~ after her divorce, dia melalui masa yg sukar selepas perceraiannya; her three-month probation ~ will end tomorrow, tempoh percubaannya selama tiga bulan akan berakhir esok; a long rainy ~, masa hujan yg panjang; 2.time in the history of person, nation, etc, zaman; (attrib) zaman /dulu, dahulu/: in the early ~ of her writing career, pd zaman awal penulisannya; the Renaissance ~, zaman Renaissance; ~ furniture, perabot zaman dulu; ~ painting, lukisan zaman dulu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
durationn jangka masa, tempoh; for the ~, sehingga sst + approp v: since their house is still under repair, the whole family will be here for the ~, oleh sebab rumah mereka masih sedang dibaiki, seluruh keluarga akan berada di sini sehingga kerja pembaikan selesai; for the ~ of, sepanjang: he’ll be a boarder for the ~ of the school term, dia akan tinggal di asrama sepanjang penggal persekolahan; of /long, short/~, memakan masa yg lama, sekejap sahaja: the performance was only of short ~, persembahan itu sekejap sahaja; of /two, three, etc /years’ ~, utk /jangka masa, tempoh/ /dua, tiga/ tahun, selama /dua, tiga, dll/ tahun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
convalescencen 1. gradual recovery of health, sembuh, pulih: the patient’s ~ was slow, pesakit itu lambat sembuh; 2. period of recuperation, /masa, tempoh/ pemulihan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
transitionn peralihan: Britain’s ~ from an agricultural to an industrial nation, peralihan Britain dr negara pertanian kpd negara perindustrian; the period of ~ from childhood to adulthood, tempoh peralihan dr masa kanak-kanak ke masa dewasa; undergo a ~, berubah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lend-leasec. (of duration) lamanya: the ~ of time we’ve spent discussing this word is unbelievable, lamanya masa yg diambil utk mengolah perkataan ini memang tdk dijangka; jarak: the ~ of the race has already been fixed, jarak perlumbaan itu telah ditentukan; 4. specified period of time, duration, tempoh: pensions are calculated according to ~ of service, pencen dikira berdasarkan tempoh perkhidmatan; what’s the ~ of the lease?, berapa lamakah tempoh pajakan itu?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lend-leasec. (of duration) lamanya: the ~ of time we’ve spent discussing this word is unbelievable, lamanya masa yg diambil utk mengolah perkataan ini memang tdk dijangka; jarak: the ~ of the race has already been fixed, jarak perlumbaan itu telah ditentukan; 4. specified period of time, duration, tempoh: pensions are calculated according to ~ of service, pencen dikira berdasarkan tempoh perkhidmatan; what’s the ~ of the lease?, berapa lamakah tempoh pajakan itu?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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