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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata terbuka fikiran

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

liberaladj 1. tolerant, terbuka, liberal; (of person) (bersikap) /terbuka, liberal/: a ~ mind, fikiran yg terbuka; he is most ~in his ideas, dr segi memberikan buah fikiran, dia bersikap paling terbuka; 2. (of person) generous, pemurah, bermurah hati; (with advice, praise, etc) murah: a ~ patron, penaung yg pemurah; she is not ~ with her praise, dia tdk murah dgn pujian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
liberaladj 1. tolerant, terbuka, liberal; (of person) (bersikap) /terbuka, liberal/: a ~ mind, fikiran yg terbuka; he is most ~in his ideas, dr segi memberikan buah fikiran, dia bersikap paling terbuka; 2. (of person) generous, pemurah, bermurah hati; (with advice, praise, etc) murah: a ~ patron, penaung yg pemurah; she is not ~ with her praise, dia tdk murah dgn pujian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
open3. having envelope, wrapping, etc cut or torn as well as removed, telah dibuka: an ~ letter lay on the table, surat yg telah dibuka terletak di atas meja; 4. spread out, not folded or drawn together, terbuka; (of wings) kembang; (of flower), (telah) kembang, mekar: an ~ book lay on the table, buku yg terbuka itu terletak di atas meja; the flowers are nearly all ~ now, hampir semua bunga itu telah kembang; 5. receptive to new ideas, terbuka: an ~ mind, fikiran yg terbuka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
generationn 1. production (of power, energy, etc) penjanaan; 2. people of about the same age, generasi: the post-war ~, generasi selepas perang; we must think of the future ~, kita mesti memikirkan generasi akan datang; the present ~ of parents are more liberal-minded, ibu bapa generasi kini mempunyai fikiran yg lebih terbuka; 3. all members of a family who were born at about the same time, keturunan, generasi: a family photograph showing three ~s of Kennedys, gambar keluarga yg menunjukkan tiga keturunan Kennedy;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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