Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | ترچوچوق

Definisi : tertusuk, tertembus; ~ hidung (mata) prb Mn tertipu kerana kebodohan (spt membeli barang yg tidak elok dgn harga yg tinggi); (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata tercucuk

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

prickvt 1. pierce with sharp point, mencucuk; (accidentally) tercucuk: the boy ~ed his sister’s balloon, budak itu mencucuk belon adik perempuannya; the lid of the box of silkworms had holes ~ed in it, terdapat lubang-lubang yg dicucuk pd penutup kotak yg berisi ulat sutera; watch out for the thorns, they’ll ~ you, hati-hati dgn duri itu, jangan tercucuk; 2. cause (so.)to feel pain, menganggu perasaan: my conscience is ~ing me, rasa bersalah mengganggu perasaan saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stick 2 vi 1. be, become embedded in, a. (of small, pointed object like thorn, pin, etc) tercucuk: a piece of half-finished tapestry, with the needle still ~ing in it, sehelai tapestri yg baru saja separuh siap, dgn jarum masih tercucuk padanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
piercevt1. penetrate esp with st sharp, a. (knife, dagger, spear, etc) menikam; (accidentally) tertikam: his opponent ~d his shoulder with a sword, lawannya menikam bahunya dgn pedang; the dagger ~d his arm, lengannya tertikam pisau belati; b. (small pointed object like pin, needle, etc) mencucuk, menusuk; (accidentally) tercucuk, tertusuk: the mischievous boy ~d his classmate’s arm with the nib of his pen, budak nakal itu mencucuk lengan rakan sedarjahnya dgn mata pen; a large thorn had ~d her foot, kakinya tercucukKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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