Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.le.kat] | ترلکت

Definisi : melekat atau lekat pd, telah dilekat­kan: terkejutlah orang melihat gambar teman­-teman lelakinya yg ~ dlm album itu; ~ kersik buluh prb melakukan sesuatu yg sia-sia; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata terlekat


Pergi ke sana bulan mengambang,
     Menangkap ikan dalam telaga;
Lemak telur berlinang-linang,
     Sisik terlekat pada dada.

Lihat selanjutnya...(3)

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

affixedadj 1. fastened, terlekat; (by an adhesive ) terlekat, tertampal: an old poster that still remains ~ to the wall, poster lama yg masih terlekat pd dinding itu; 2. added (in writing) terdapat; (of signature) diturunkan, terdapat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
freeze4. cause to become fixed because of frost, (act.) menyebabkan melekat [pd sst] krn ais; (pass.) terlekat [pd sst] disebabkan ais: the clothes were frozen to the line, baju-baju itu terlekat pd tali penyidai disebabkan ais; 5. preserve by process of freezing, mendinginbekukan; 6. cause to feel cold, (act.) menyebabkan kesejukan; (pass.) kesejukan: we were hungry and frozen when we arrived, kami kelaparan dan kesejukan apabila kami sampai di situ;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lodge2. come to rest, be embedded in, a. (of bullet etc) tertanam, terbenam: the bullet ~d in the wall, sebutir peluru tertanam di dinding itu; b. (of bone) tersangkut, terlekat: a fish bone ~d in her throat and she had to go to hospital to have it removed, tulang ikan terlekat dlm kerongkongnya dan dia terpaksa ke hospital utk mengeluarkannya; c. (of thought, memory, etc) tertanam: the idea that he had been cheated became firmly ~d in his mind, anggapan bahawa dia telah ditipu tertanam kukuh dlm fikirannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stick 2 b. (of large pointed object like spear, arrow, etc) tercacak: the man was found with a knife ~ing in his chest, lelaki itu dijumpai dgn sebilah pisau tercacak di dadanya; c. (of chicken bone etc) terlekat: a fish-bone has stuck in his throat, tulang ikan terlekat pd kerongkongnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grooven 1. long narrow cut in hard surface, alur: it is difficult to fit a sliding door back into its ~, sukar hendak memasukkan balik pintu gelangsar ke dlm alurnya; the gramophone needle is stuck in the ~ of the record, jarum gramofon itu terlekat pd alur piring hitam; 2. accustomed routine, kebiasaan, kelaziman: when one gets into a particular ~, it is difficult to change, apabila kita menjadikan sst sbg kebiasaan, agak susah utk mengubahnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pull~ apart, ditarik: “How do you open it?” “It doesn’t screw. It just ~s apart”, “Bagaimana hendak membukanya?” “Tidak pakai skru. Hanya perlu ditarik”; ~ apart at the seams, bertas; ~ so. apart, meleraikan sso: the two boys had to be ~ed apart by their parents, kedua-dua budak itu terpaksa dileraikan oleh ibu bapa mereka; ~ st apart, a. pull st into many pieces, mencerai-ceraikan sst: the teacher ~ed the flower apart to show the class how it was made up, cikgu mencerai-ceraikan bunga itu utk memperlihatkan bahagian-bahagiannya kpd kelas; b. separate st, /memisahkan, meleraikan/ sst: the two sheets had stuck together and had to be carefully ~ed apart, kedua-dua helai kertas itu telah terlekat dan terpaksa dipisahkan dgn hati-hati;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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