Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

let 1 large windows ~ in plenty of light, cahaya yg banyak boleh masuk menerusi tingkap-tingkap yg besar itu; this roof ~ the rain in, air dapat masuk menerusi bumbung itu; ~ so. in for, terlibat: when I said I’d help out with the fete, I didn’t know that I was ~ting myself in for, apabila saya kata saya akan membantu utk menjayakan pesta itu, saya tdk tahu dgn apa saya terlibat; ~ so. in on, (colloq) memberitahu sso: do ~ me in on the joke, beritahu saya jenaka itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
let 1 large windows ~ in plenty of light, cahaya yg banyak boleh masuk menerusi tingkap-tingkap yg besar itu; this roof ~ the rain in, air dapat masuk menerusi bumbung itu; ~ so. in for, terlibat: when I said I’d help out with the fete, I didn’t know that I was ~ting myself in for, apabila saya kata saya akan membantu utk menjayakan pesta itu, saya tdk tahu dgn apa saya terlibat; ~ so. in on, (colloq) memberitahu sso: do ~ me in on the joke, beritahu saya jenaka itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
involvedadj 1. (complicated) rumit; (difficult to understand) sukar /difahami, dimengerti/: he told us a long, ~ story about his troubles, dia menceritakan kisah yg panjang dan sukar difahami ttg masalahnya; 2. implicated, terlibat, terbabit: the police alleged that he was ~ in the kidnapping, polis mengatakan dia terlibat dlm penculikan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
affectedadj 1. emotionally moved, terharu: she was too ~ to speak, dia sungguh terharu sehingga tdk dapat bercakap; 2. adversely acted upon, terjejas: medical supplies were airdropped in the ~ areas, bekalan perubatan digugurkan dr udara ke tempat-tempat yg terjejas; 3. involved, terlibat: only those ~ are required to report to headquarters, mereka yg terlibat sahaja yg perlu melaporkan diri di ibu pejabat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
populacen(fml) 1. population, penduduk: the ~ at large was not affected, kebanyakan penduduk tdk terlibat; 2. the common people, orang ramai: measures that will please the ~, langkah-langkah yg akan menggembirakan orang ramai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
manufacturen 1. production of goods in factory, perkilangan, pembuatan: these firms are engaged in the ~ of pocket calculators, firma ini terlibat dlm perkilangan mesin kira saku; the ~ and export of microchips, perkilangan dan penKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
supplyn 1. act of supplying,pembekalan: a firm that is engaged in the manufacture and ~ of army clothing, sebuah syarikat yg terlibat dlm pengeluaran dan pembekalan pakaian tentera; the electricity ~ is not at all dependable, pembekalan elektrik tdk boleh diharapkan sangat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
salvagen 1. saving of property from loss, penyelamatan, usaha menyelamatkan: the vessel engaged in the ~ of the sunken ship, kapal yg terlibat dlm usaha menyelamatkan kapal yg tenggelam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
operationn 1. a. planned activity, operasi; (of business) kegiatan perniagaan, operasi (perniagaan, perusahaan): he was involved in the rescue ~, dia terlibat dlm operasi menyelamat itu; the insurance company’s ~s have been suspended, kegiatan perniagaan syarikat insurans itu telah digantung; open-market ~, operasi pasaran terbuka; b. complicated activity or series of action, kerja: several of these ~s are repeated for each circuit, beberapa kerja ini diulang dlm setiap litar; 2. (mil) operasi: O~ Gonzales, Operasi Gonzales; military ~s in South-East Asia, operasi tentera di Asia Tenggara;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
entanglevt (usu pass.) 1.a. cause to become caught, terperangkap, tersangkut: the fish were ~d in the net, ikan-ikan itu terperangkap dlm jala; b. cause to become twisted or tangled, terbelit: her hair became ~d in the branches, rambutnya terbelit pd dahan-dahan itu;the fishing-line got ~d in the weeds, tali kail itu terbelit pd rumpai; 2. a. involve (so. or os) in difficulties or unfavourable circumstances, terjebak: they became ~d in the intricacies of the problem, mereka terjebak dlm kekusutan masalah itu; b. involve (so., os) in a relationship, terlibat:he warned her not to get herself ~d with money-lenders, dia mengingatkannya supaya jangan terlibat dgn pemberi hutang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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