Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.pen.cil] | ترڤنچيل

Definisi : terasing (terpisah) drpd yg lain, tersendiri: beliau lahir di sebuah kampung yg ~; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ter.pen.cil] | ترڤنچيل

Definisi : terasing dr yg lain; jauh dr yg lain; tersendiri: Kampungnya ~. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : memencilkan, pemencilan, terpencil, keterpencilan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

isolatedadj 1. remote, set apart from others, terpencil: an ~ farmhouse, rumah ladang yg terpencil; she chose to lead an ~ life, away from the bustle of the city, dia memilih utk hidup terpencil, jauh dr kesibukan kota; 2. alone, lonely, sepi, sunyi, terasing, terpencil: as I shared neither their interests nor inclinations, I began to feel more and more ~, oleh sebab saya tdk mempunyai minat dan kecenderungan yg sama spt mereka, saya berasa semakin terasing; 3. occasional, terpencil: he quoted ~ cases of violence and cautioned the reader not to make any generalizations, dia memberikan beberapa contoh kes keganasan yg terpencil dan mengingatkan pembaca supaya tdk membuat anggapan umum.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
remoteadj 1. secluded, terpencil: a ~ village in the Andes, sebuah kampung terpencil di Pergunungan Andes; the ~st parts of the world, bahagian-bahagian paling terpencil di dunia; 2. distant, a. (in time), [various translations]: the ~ future, masa depan yg jauh lagi; the ~ past, masa lampau yg lama dahulu; b. (in space) nan jauh: the ~ stars, bintang-bintang nan jauh; 3. distant in relationship or kinship, jauh: a ~ relative, saudara jauh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
secludedadj terpencil, terasing: there they lived ~ from the world, di situlah mereka tinggal terpencil drpd dunia luar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lonely3. isolated, without people, terpencil, sunyi sepi: a ~ mountain village, sebuah kampung yg terpencil di pergunungan; 4. (of sound) haunting, mournful, mendayu-dayu: she could hear the ~ lament of the wind outside, dia dapat mendengar bunyi angin yg mendayu-dayu di luar; 5. without companion, solitary, a. (of person) sendirian: a ~ traveller, pengembara yg sendirian; b. (of animal) seekor: a ~ gull perched on the mast, seekor burung camar bertenggek di atas tiang layar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
isolationin ~, a. in solitariness, terasing, terpencil: he lived in ~ in the country, dia hidup terpencil di desa; b. detached, separate from others, terasing; c. independently, sendirian: it would be unrealistic to think that we can act in ~ without regard to other members of the community, tdk realistik memikirkan bahawa kita dapat bertindak sendirian tanpa menimbangkan anggota masyarakat yg lain; d. without regard to similar matters, relationships, etc, secara berasingan: we cannot possibly deal with the matter in ~ as there are external factors which should be taken into account, tdk mungkin kita mengendalikan perkara itu secara berasingan krn terdapat faktor-faktor luaran yg mesti diambil kira.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sequesteredadj 1. (liter.) isolated, solitary, terpencil, terasing: a ~ mountain pool, lubuk yg terpencil di gunung; the ~ life of a monk, kehidupan terasing seorang rahib; 2. (leg.) disekuester: the income of a ~ estate, pendapatan ladang yg disekuester.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
seclusionn keadaan /terpencil, terasing/: during the last days of his life, he lived in ~, pd hari-hari terakhir hidupnya dia tinggal dlm keadaan terpencil.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
uncivilized2. remote from civilization, terpencil dr tamadun: a river entirely ~ with no way of reaching it, sungai yg betul-betul terpencil dr tamadun dan tdk ada jalan utk sampai ke situ; ~ hour, (colloq)pagi-pagi buta: she woke me up at an ~ hour, dia mengejutkan saya pagi-pagi buta.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
out-of-the-wayadj 1. remote, jauh terpencil: an ~ motel, motel yg jauh terpencil; 2. not known by most people, tdk diketahui ramai: we went to one of those ~ restaurants, kami pergi ke sebuah restoran yg tdk diketahui ramai; his head is full of ~ facts, fikirannya penuh dgn fakta yg tdk diketahui ramai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
wildn (in pl) kawasan terpencil: he lived for many years in the ~s of Central Africa, dia tinggal bertahun-tahun lamanya di kawasan terpencil di Afrika Tengah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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