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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.po.tong] | ترڤوتوڠ

Definisi : dapat dipotong: sebatang kayu pun tidak ~ pd petang itu kerana mereka terlupa membawa gergaji; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

slice he ~d through his fingers while cutting the meat, dia terpotong jarinya ketika memotong daging; b. pass through with a cutting movement, membelah: the speedboat ~d through the water, bot laju itu membelah air;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
slice ~ through, a. cut smoothly, memotong; (accidentally) terpotong: the sharp blade ~d through the soft wood as though it were butter, pisau yg tajam itu memotong kayu yg lembut spt memotong mentega;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lopvt 1. also ~ /away, off/, cut off with swift strokes, a. (tree, plant) memotong, mencantas, memangkas: he ~ped the dead branches from the tree, dia memangkas dahan-dahan mati dr pokok itu; b. (head) memancung, memenggal, mencantas: the executioner ~ped off the prisoner’s head, pertanda memancung kepala banduan itu; c. (limb), /memenggal, memotong, mengerat/; (accidentally) terpotong, terkerat: his finger was ~ped off by a milling machine, jarinya terpotong oleh mesin lurah; 2. eliminate as excessive, memotong, mengurangkan: some bus services have been ~ped off this route, beberapa perkhidmatan bas di laluan ini telah dikurangkan perjalanannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cut~ so. off, a. cause so. to be stranded, (act.) menyebabkan sso terkandas; (pass.) sso terkandas: the men working in the cave were ~ off by the incoming tide, orang-orang yg bekerja di dlm gua itu telah terkandas oleh air yg sedang naik; b. interrrupt so. speaking on the telephone, talian terputus: we were ~ off in the middle of our conversation, talian kami terputus semasa kami sedang berbual; ~ st off, a. behead so., /memenggal, memancung/ sst: the traitor had his head ~ off, pengkhianat itu telah dipenggal kepalanya; b. remove st by cutting, memotong sst; (accidentally) sst terpotong: the butcher ~ off the best part of the meat, penjual daging itu memotong bahagian yg terbaik drpd daging itu; c. see vt (sense 16.);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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