Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.sem.bul] | ترسمبول

Definisi : 1. meng­anjur atau menonjol keluar (hujung atau kepala sesuatu drpd lubang, liang, permukaan, dll): mata yg tersembul spt mata buaya; 2. menampakkan diri, menjongol, timbul: kepala buaya yg tersembul di tepi air; sebelum sedan itu meluncur, lelaki segak itu ~ keluar; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ter.sem.bul] | ترسمبول

Definisi : tertonjol ke luar: Sebiji bisul ~ di pangkal pahanya. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata tersembul

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bulgevi membonjol; (of eyes) tersembul; (of stomach) menjadi buncit: cowboys, with guns bulging on their hips, koboi, dgn pistol yg membonjol di pinggul; his stomach ~es after a heavy meal, perutnya menjadi buncit selepas makan banyak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pop-eyedadj 1. with bulging eyes, mata /tersembul, terpersil, belodok/; 2. staring in astonishment, mata terbeliak: she stood in the doorway, ~ with amazement at what she saw, dia berdiri di pintu keluar dgn mata terbeliak, kehairanan memandang apa yg dilihatnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bulgingadj 1. protruding, membonjol; (of eyes) terjojol, tersembul; (of stomach) buncit; (of forehead) jendul; ~ muscles, otot yg membonjol; 2. bursting (with contents) kembung; ~ suitcase, beg baju yg kembungKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
socketn soket; (of eye) rongga; (of joint) lesung; so’s eyes /pop, fall/ out of their ~s, biji mata sso /terjojol, tersembul/: when he saw Jane in that revealing dress, his eyes nearly popped out of their ~s, apabila dia melihat Jane dgn pakaiannya yg menggiurkan itu, biji matanya hampir-hampir terjojol.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
protrusionn 1. act of a protruding or being protruded, (of parts of the body)a. (of eyes) terjojol, tersembul: pressure on the wind pipe causes ~ of the eyes, tekanan pd salur udara menyebabkan mata terjojol; b. (of teeth) jongang: ~ of the teeth, gigi yg jongang; 2. st that protrudes, bonjolan: there were several jagged ~s on the surface of the rock face, terdapat beberapa bonjolan yg berceranggah pd permukaan batuan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
protrudingadj (of parts of the body) be prominent, a. (of forehead) jendul; b. (of eyes) terjojol, tersembul; c. (of ears) capang; d. (of teeth) jongang; e. (of lips) terjojol; f. (of chin) terjulur; g. (of stomach) buncit; h. (of bones) terjojol.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
protuberancen (fml) 1. bulge, protrusion, a. (on plants) bonggol, bonjol, bongkol: there were a lot of ~s on the tree trunk, ada banyak bonjol pd batang pokok itu; b. (on the human body) bonjol: she has a ~ on her back, banyak bonjol di bahagian belakangnya; 2. (of eyes) condition of being protuberant, terjojol, tersembul: one of the first things you notice about a Pekingese dog is the ~ of its eyes, salah satu ciri yg ketara ttg anjing Peking ialah matanya yg tersembul.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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