Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : ark, Id fonem. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
warna (kata nama)
1. Bersinonim dengan rona: dondon, ragi,

2. Bersinonim dengan ragam: corak, sifat, keadaan,

Kata Terbitan : warna-warni, berwarna-warni, berwarna-warna, mewarnai, mewarnakan, pewarnaan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

jarringadj 1. discordant, sumbang: a ~ sound, bunyi sumbang; 2. causing physical shock, menggentarkan, menggetarkan: the ~ effect of the accident, kesan kemalangan yg menggentarkan; 3. conflicting, bertentangan, berlawanan, tdk harmoni: ~ colours, warna-warna yg tdk harmoni; be ~ to the nerves, menjengkelkan sso.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
alternatingadj 1. occurring successively, silih berganti, bersilih ganti, berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: ~ ebbs and flows, pasang dan surut yg silih berganti; 2. appearing, being heard in alternation, berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: ~ colours, warna-warna yg berselang-seli; ~ sound patterns, pola-pola bunyi yg berselang-seli.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jar2vi 1. have unpleasant, disturbing effect on, menjengkelkan: the clang of the hammer as it strikes the anvil ~s somewhat, bunyi tukul menghentam andas agak menjengkelkan; 2. be out of harmony, bertentangan, berlawanan; (of colours) tdk harmoni: his ideas of discipline ~red with mine, pendapatnya ttg disiplin bertentangan dgn pendapat saya; colours that ~, warna-warna yg tdk harmoni;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
effectn 1. result, a. (gen) kesan: the drug has a strong ~, ubat itu membawa kesan yg kuat; the ~ of light on plants, kesan cahaya thdp tumbuh-tumbuhan; b. (adverse) akibat: the ~s of an earthquake, akibat gempa bumi; c. (indirect) influence, pengaruh: the ~ of rain on plant growth, pengaruh hujan thdp pertumbuhan pokok; 2. impression, kesan: the colours produce a fascinating ~, warna-warna itu menimbulkan kesan yg amat menarik; sound ~s, kesan bunyi; 3. (in pl) goods, barang-barang: household ~s, barang-barang rumah; personal ~s, barang-barang peribadi; 4. (phys) kesan: Doppler ~, kesan Doppler;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
piping3. narrow strip of material or covered cord, kun alur: the ~ round the cushion was in a different colour, kun alur di keliling kusyen itu mempunyai warna yg berlainan; 4. sound of pipes, bunyi tiupan seruling; (bagpipes) bunyi tiupan begpaip: ~ could be heard in the distance, bunyi tiupan seruling dapat didengar dr kejauhan; 5. skill of playing pipe, permainan seruling; (bagpipes) permainan begpaip: his ~ needs improvement, permainan begpaipnya perlu diperbaik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dull3. not bright, rather dark, (of colour) suram, sebam; (of light) suram, buram: the ~ yellow of old gold, warna kuning suram emas lama; there was a ~ glow in the night sky, terdapat cahaya suram di langit malam; 4. overcast, suram: the sky was ~ all day, langit suram sepanjang hari; 5. not clear, bengap, tdk jelas: there was a ~ thud as the bag of rice fell to the floor, kedengaran bunyi bengap apabila kampit beras itu jatuh ke lantai; ~ of hearing, lemah pendengaran; 6. blunt, tumpul, majal: the ~ edge of the knife, mata pisau yg tumpul; 7. (of pain, ache) not sharp, tdk mencucuk; 8. slow in understanding, learning, etc,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fadevi, 1. droop, wither, layu: flowers bloom and ~, bunga-bunga berkembang dan layu; 2. lose brightness, a. (of colour, coloured things), (menjadi) /pudar, luntur/: colours which will not ~, warna yg tdk akan menjadi pudar; the curtains have ~d, langsir-langsir sudah luntur; b. (of photograph, picture, writing), (menjadi) kabur; c. (of light) menjadi kelam; 3. lose vigour, strength, semakin lemah; 4. diminish, dwindle, a. also ~ away, (of sound) menjadi perlahan; (because of increasing distance) semakin sayup (kedengaran): the music ~d as the boat moved further downstream, bunyi muzik semakin sayup kedengaran apabila bot itu semakin jauh menghilir sungai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
faintadj 1. indistinct, a. (of light) kelam, malap: in the ~ light of the moon, dlm cahaya bulan yg kelam; b. (of sound) perlahan, tdk jelas: she heard a ~ noise downstairs, dia terdengar bunyi yg tdk jelas dr bawah; c. (of shape, outline) samar-samar, berbalam(-balam): the ~ outline of a ship on the horizon, bentuk kapal yg samar-samar di kaki langit; d. (of writing etc) pudar, kabur, kelam: there were ~ inscriptions on the wall, terdapat inskripsi yg pudar pd dinding itu; e. (of colours) kelihatan samar-samar: the curtains were blue with a ~ tinge of green, langsir itu berwarna biru dan terdapat warna hijau (yg kelihatan) samar-samar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
offendvt 1. wound the feelings of, (act.) menyinggung (perasaan); ( pass.), (perasaan sso) tersinggung: she was ~ed by the remark, dia tersinggung dgn kata-kata itu; he did not wish to ~ anyone, dia tdk bermaksud menyinggung sesiapa pun; 2. be offensive to, annoy, (person) menggusarkan; (physical senses) menyakitkan: the stench ~ed him, bau busuk itu menggusarkannya; sounds that ~ the ear, bunyi yg menyakitkan telinga; a combination of colours that ~s the eye, campuran warna yg menyakitkan mata;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deadadj 1. no longer living, a. (gen ), (sudah, telah) mati: ~ trees, pokok-pokok yg sudah mati; ~ insects, serangga mati; ~ wood, kayu mati; b. (of person), /sudah, telah/ /meninggal dunia, mati/; (of royalty), /sudah, telah/ mangkat; (of prophet), /sudah, telah/ wafat; (coarse), /sudah, telah/ /mampus, kojol/; c. (of flower), /sudah, telah/ layu; d. (of leaf) kering; 2. inanimate, tdk bernyawa: ~ matter, benda yg tdk bernyawa; 3. numb, kebas: his fingers are ~ with cold, jari-jarinya kebas krn kesejukan; 4. (of sound) bengap, benak, pekak: the ~ sound of the coin as it hit the floor, bunyi bengap syiling itu ketika jatuh ke lantai; 5. (of colour) usam, kusam, pekat: ~ black, warna hitam usam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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