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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[wi.sél] | ويسيل

Definisi : (wisél) sj alat berupa tiub kecil dsb yg mengeluarkan bunyi siulan yg nyaring apabila ditiup: sebaik-baik ~ berbunyi mengisyaratkan kereta api itu akan bertolak, Ramlan dgn segera turun mencium tangan ibu bapanya. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[wi.sél] | ويسيل

Definisi : /wisél/ alat yg dpt berbunyi apabila ditiup; peluit: ~ pun berbunyi sbg tanda bahawa permainan sudah tamat. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata wisel

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

whistlen 1. instrument, device for making a shrill high-pitched sound, wisel: the policeman blew his ~ to halt the traffic, polis meniup wiselnya utk menahan lalu lintas; the referee’s ~, wisel pengadil; 2. shrill sound made by the forceful expulsion of air, siulan; (of bullet) bunyi siung: at his master’s ~, the dog came running, anjing itu berlari kpd tuannya apabila mendengar siulannya; listen to the bird’s ~, dengarlah siulan burung itu; /give, let out/ a ~, bersiul: he gave a loud ~ of delight, dia bersiul kuat krn kegirangan; 3. whistling sound of st, bunyi [sst], siulan: I stood listening to the ~ of the wind, saya berdiri mendengar bunyi angin; the kettle’s ~ could be heard all over the house, bunyi cerek itu dapat didengar di seluruh rumah; 4. device through which steam is forced into a cavity to produce a shrill sound, peluit: the train’s ~ sounded at the crossing, peluit kereta api itu berbunyi sewaktu tiba di lintasan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pipe4. (naut) call the crew by boatswain’s pipe, memberikan isyarat dgn tiupan wisel serang: the crew were ~d to dinner, anak kapal diberikan isyarat makan malam dgn tiupan wisel serang; 5. convey ( gas etc) by pipes, menyalurkan [sst] melalui paip: gas is ~d to the houses, gas disalurkan melalui paip ke rumah-rumah; to ~ water from the dam to the fields, menyalurkan air melalui paip dr empangan ke ladang; 6. provide with pipes, memasang paip: the house is ~d for gas, rumah itu dipasang paip utk menyalurkan gas; 7. trim with piping,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
steam whistle n wisel stim.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
signal vt mark, menandakan: the referee’s whistle ~led the end of the match, wisel pengadil menandakan tamatnya permainan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blow1n 1. a blast, tiupan; (of wind) tiupan angin: a ~ from the referee’s whistle, tiupan wisel pengadil; the loud ~ of his horn, tiupan honnya yg kuat; give st a ~, meniup sst: he gave the fire a ~ with the bellows, dia meniup api itu dgn pengangin; give o’s nose a ~, menghembus /hidung, hingus/; 2. storm, badai: recurrent ~s swept the coast, badai yg berulang-ulang melanda pantai itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shrillvi approp v + /mersik, langsi, langsing, nyaring/: the phone in the bedroom suddenly ~ed, telefon di bilik tidur tiba-tiba berdering langsing; the umpire’s whistle ~ed, indicating the end of the game, wisel pengadil berbunyi nyaring, menandakan tamatnya permainan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
knock~ off (work), (colloq) berhenti (bekerja); (for the day) habis (kerja): as soon as the whistle blew, the workmen put down their tools and ~ed off for lunch, sebaik saja wisel berbunyi, pekerja-pekerja itu meletakkan perkKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blow15. pant, tercungap-cungap: climbing up the stairs made me puff and ~, memanjat tangga membuat saya termengah-mengah dan tercungap-cungap; 6. make a whistling sound, berbunyi: the whistle blew when the match ended, wisel berbunyi apabila perlawanan itu berakhir; 7. (of whale) /menyemburkan, memancutkan/ air; 8. (of natural gas or oil) menyembur keluar; 9. (of fuse) terbakar: when the heater was switched on the fuse blew, apabila pemanas itu dipasang fiusnya terbakar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
whistlevi 1. utter a shrill clear sound by blowing through puckered lips etc, bersiul: he ~d as he worked, dia bersiul sambil bekerja; birds were whistling in the trees outside his window, burung-burung bersiul di celah pokok-pokok di luar tingkapnya; 2. make a whistling sound esp due to rapid movement, berbunyi, bersiul; (of bullet) bersiung: the wind ~d in the sails, angin berbunyi meniup layar; the kettle ~s when it boils, cerek itu bersiul apabila airnya menggelegak; a bullet ~d past his ear, sebutir peluru bersiung melewati telinganya; 3. make a high clear sound by forcing steam etc through a device, membunyikan peluit: the train ~d as it approached the station, kereta api itu membunyikan peluitnya semasa menghampiri stesen; 4. make a loud sound by blowing a whistle, meniup wisel: the umpire ~d and the game stopped, pengadil meniup wisel dan permainan itu pun tamat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pipe4. (mus) a. simple wind-instrument, seruling: bamboo ~, seruling bambu; b. (in organ) hollow tube through which air is forced to produce musical note, pipa; 5. see BAGPIPES; 6. (of boatswain), (bunyi) wisel serang; 7. (metallurgy) cavity in cast metal, paip: ore ~, paip bijih; 8. cylindrical vein of rich ore, paip: sand ~ , paip pasir; 9. also volcanic pipe paip (volkano);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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