bone idle, bone lazy | adj berat tulang, berat tangan, berat siku, berat kaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reticent | adj /berat, segan/ hendak bercakap, berat mulut: he was ~ about his early life, dia berat hendak bercakap ttg hidupnya semasa kecil; she seems ~ today, nampaknya dia berat mulut hari ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heavy | 11. hard to do or bear, berat: ~ punishment, hukuman yg berat; ~ taxes, cukai yg berat; ~ responsibility, tanggungjawab yg berat; ~ work, kerja berat; 12. sad, sedih: with a ~ heart, dgn hati yg sedih; 13. serious, (of book, article) berat: this book is ~ reading, buku ini bahan bacaan berat; 14. (of build ) besar; 15. (of food etc) mengenyangkan; 16. (of bread, cake) bantat; 17. (of soil) mampat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heavy | adj 1. weighty, berat: the load was too ~ for one man, beban itu terlalu berat bagi seorang lelaki; 2. as if weighted, burdened, berat: my head feels ~, kepala saya terasa berat; 3. ponderous, clumsy, lembap, lambat; (of gait, footstep, etc) berat: a ~ tread, langkah yg berat; 4. large and powerful, berat: ~ weapons, senjata berat; ~ guns, meriam berat; ~ vehicle, kenderaan berat; 5. forceful, kuat: a ~ punch, tumbukan yg kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reticence | n /berat, segan/ hendak bercakap, berat mulut: she shows some ~ in telling me about their misunderstanding, nampaknya dia berat sedikit hendak bercakap dgn saya ttg perselisihan mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
weight | n 1. heaviness, berat: my ~ is 95 kilos, berat saya ialah 95 kilo; apples are sold by ~, epal dijual mengikut berat; it was 2 metres long and 30 pounds in ~, panjangnya 2 meter dan beratnya 30 paun; the chair sagged under his ~, kerusi itu melendut oleh berat badannya; 2. (phys) berat; 3. load to be supported, berat: the pergola collapsed under the ~ of the vine, junjung itu runtuh akibat menampung berat pokok-pokok menjalar; 4. heavy object used to work a mechanism etc, batu timbang: the scales come with their own set of ~s, alat timbang itu lengkap dgn satu set batu timbangnya; a one-pound ~, batu timbang satu paun; 5. object that is heavy, benda berat; (in dress making etc) pemberat: you shouldn’t lift heavy ~s after the operation, kamu tdk harus mengangkat benda berat selepas pembedahan; paper weight, pemberat kertas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exacting | adj berat tuntutannya: an ~ supervisor, penyelia yg berat tuntutannya; the airline’s ~ safety standards, piawai keselamatan syarikat penerbangan itu yg berat tuntutannya; nursing is an ~ profession, kejururawatan ialah satu profesion yg berat tuntutannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
weight | 6. system of standard measures of weight, berat: metric ~, berat metrik; 7. large amount or great power, beratnya: the ~ of the evidence seems to point to the guilt of the accused, beratnya keterangan bukti itu nampaknya menunjukkan tertuduh bersalah; 8. value or importance, penting: a person of ~ in the field of education, seorang yg penting dlm bidang pendidikan; a decision of great ~, keputusan yg amat penting; 9. burden, beban: after my father’s death the ~ of responsibility fell upon me, selepas kematian bapa saya, beban tanggungjawab jatuh kpd saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concern | 4. care, mengambil berat ttg /sso, sst/; ( used with “for”) mengambil berat: I was really surprised when she showed no ~, saya benar-benar terkejut apabila dia tdk mengambil berat; his ~ for the less fortunate was one of his more admirable qualities, sikapnya yg mengambil berat ttg orang-orang yg tdk bernasib baik merupakan sifatnya yg terpuji; 5. affair, urusan: how I spend my money is none of your ~, bagaimana saya membelanjakan wang saya bukan urusanmu; the collection of household rubbish is the ~ of the local council, pemungutan sampah ialah urusan majlis tempatan; what ~ is it of so., apa kena-mengenanya dgn kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
partisan | adj biased, berat sebelah: his comments are very ~, komennya terlalu berat sebelah; a ~ attitude, sikap berat sebelah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |