wheels | ~s within ~s, kerumitan yg banyak: there are ~s within ~s and the public will probably never know the whole truth, terdapat kerumitannya yg banyak dan mungkin orang ramai tdk akan tahu perkara yg sebenarnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
will<s>2s> | against o’s ~, bertentangan dgn kehendak sso: you can’t make him do it against his ~, kamu tdk boleh memaksa dia melakukan sesuatu yg bertentangan dgn kehendaknya; at ~, sesuka hati: they let the children wander around the place at ~, mereka membiarkan budak-budak itu merayau-rayau di tempat itu sesuka hati mereka; with a ~, dgn penuh semangat: he started on the job with a ~, dia memulakan kerja itu dgn penuh semangat; of o’s own free ~, mengikut kehendak hatinya sendiri; with the best ~ in the world, niat sso baik: he’ll never make it even with the best ~ in the world, dia tdk akan berjaya melakukannya walaupun niatnya baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tool | n alat: a bag of carpenter’s ~s, sebuah beg alat-alat tukang kayu; the garden ~s are kept in the shed, alat-alat perkebunan disimpan di pondok itu; the paints and brushes that are the artist’s ~s, cat serta berus-berus yg merupakan alat-alat pelukis itu; he was a mere ~ in the hands of an ambitious and ruthless woman, dia semata-mata alat yg digunakan oleh seorang wanita yg tdk bertimbang rasa dan yg bercita-cita besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
word | in o’s own ~s, dgn kata-katanya sendiri: she told the story in her own ~s, dia menceritakan kisah itu dgn kata-katanya sendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uncle | 2. o’s aunt’s husband, pak cik, pak + person’s name or nickname; (of eldest aunt) pak long; (of youngest aunt) pak /su, cu, busu/, busu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trick | up to o’s (old) ~s, (colloq) buat perangai: Watch them! They are up to their ~s again, tengok budak-budak itu! Mereka mula buat perangai lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wit | lose o’s ~s, hilang akal: he lost his ~s through fear, dia hilang akal akibat ketakutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
water | o’s ~s break, pecah /tuban, ketuban/: get her to hospital before her ~s break, bawa dia ke hospital sebelum dia pecah tuban; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
track | cover o’s ~s, menutup perbuatan sso: the embezzler had covered his ~s well, and was never found, penipu itu dgn bijak telah dapat menutup perbuatannya dan tdk pernah dapat dikesan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
toe | on o’s ~s, bersikap siap sedia: our boss has kept us on our ~s the past week, minggu lepas ketua kami membuat kami sentiasa bersikap siap sedia saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |