take | ~ up, <i>continue,i> bersambung: <i>Part III ~s up where the last part left off,i> Babak III bersambung dr tempat babak akhir berhenti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
such | iii. <i>(deprecatory) the /few, little/ which, [various translations]: we didn’t talk much and ~ conversation as did take place was confined to technical matters,i> kami tdk banyak berbual dan semua perbualan yg berlangsung terbatas pd hal-hal teknikal saja; <i>we must employ ~ talents as he has to their full capacity,i> kita harus sepenuh-penuhnya menggunakan bakat yg ada padanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
set | iii. <i>(firework)i> membakar sst: <i>the children are all in the garden ready to ~ off the fireworksi>, budak-budak ada di halaman, sudah sedia utk membakar bunga api; b. <i>cause st to produce soundi>, (menyebabkan) sst berbunyi: <i>if you cross the threshold you will ~ off the alarmi>, jika kamu melangkah bendul pintu, penggera akan berbunyi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
place | iii. (<i>not in proper orderi>) tdk teratur: <i>their filing system was all over the ~,i> sistem fail mereka tdk teratur; iv. (<i>of handwritingi>) tdk kemas: <i>some children’s handwriting is all over the ~ and needs to be corrected,i> sesetengah tulisan kanak-kanak tdk kemas dan perlu diperbaik; /change, swap/ ~s, (<i>with so.), (<i>lit.i> & <i>fig.i>) bertukar tempat (dgn sso): <i>I wouldn’t change ~s with him for a million dollars,i> saya tdk akan bertukar tempat dengannya walaupun ditawari wang berjuta ringgit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | iii. (<i>as obj of pass. verbi>), [<i>repeat noun it replacesi>]: <i>the dispute continued for over six months before ~ was finally settled,i> pertikaian itu berlarutan lebih drpd enam bulan sebelum pertikaian itu selesai; c. (<i>ref to child, baby, whose sex is unknown or considered not important in rel to what one wants to sayi>) i. (<i>used in a clausei>) dia, ia, [<i>or not translatedi>]; (<i>with words like “hope”, “wish”, “think”, etci>), [<i>replace noun it refers to with another nouni>]; (<i>with words ref to physical attributesi>). nya; (<i>used with Malay pass. verbi>) -nya: <i>the stages that every child must go through as ~ grows up,i> peringkat-peringkat yg mesti dilalui oleh setiap kanak-kanak semasa dia membesar <i>ori> semasa membesar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | iii. (<i>when used ref to animal, plant, etc that is personified or in highly tech contexti>) ia: <i>the birch tree was so pleased ~ stood still, looking at the ribbon,i> pokok birch itu begitu gembira hingga ia terdiam kaku, memperhatikan reben tersebut; <i>lithium resembles sodium and potassium in appearance, but ~ is harder than either of the two,i> litium menyerupai natrium dan kalium, tetapi ia lebih keras drpd kedua-duanya; iv. (<i>used with Malay pass. verbi>) -nya: <i>the explosion must have been terrific judging from the damage ~ caused,i> letupan itu pasti dahsyat memandangkan kerosakan yg diakibatkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
smack | ii. <i> (in tone of voice etc)i> nada: <i> a ~ of regret in the remark,i> nada kesal dlm kata-kata itu; iii. <i> (in person’s character) i> sedikit: <i> she has a ~ of arrogance in her,i> dia sombong sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
press 1 | ii. (<i>switch etci>) memetik: <i>he ~ed the trigger of the gun,i> dia memetik pemetik senapang itu; iii. (<i>clutch, brake, etci>) menekan: <i>when you ~ the accelerator, the car will increase in speedi>, apabila kamu menekan pemecut, motokar itu akan bertambah laju; 2. <i>flatten or push o’s body,i> a. <i>alsoi> ~ back, (<i>against wall etci>) menyandarkan: <i>he ~ed himself back to the huge tree trunk to hide from his pursuers,i> dia menyandarkan dirinya pd batang pokok yg besar itu utk menyorok drpd orang-orang yg mengejarnya; b. (<i>against surface of groundi>) meniarap: <i>he ~ed himself to the ground to avoid the bullet,i> dia | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
snuff | i. <i>(dissension, disagreement, rebellion, etc)i> memadamkan sst: <i>any sign of opposition was quickly ~ed out,i> sebarang tanda penentangan dgn cepat dipadamkan; ii. <i>(hope), (act.)i> memadamkan sst; <i>(pass.)i> sst padam; iii. <i>(plan)i> mematikan sst. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discolouration, (US) discoloration | <i>ni> 1. a. (<i>geni>) pengubahan warna; (<i>techi>) penyahwarnaan; b. (<i>due to washing or exposurei>) i. (<i>of clothes, fabrici>) pelunturan, pudarnya, pucatnya; ii. (<i>of jewellery, metali>) pudarnya, kusamnya; (<i>statei>) kepudaran; iii. (<i>of paper, teethi>) kuningnya; c. (<i>due to clouding by dirt etci>) keruhnya; d. (<i>due to a knock or blowi>) lebamnya; 2. <i>discoloured spot,i> a. (<i>geni>) perubahan warna; b. (<i>due to washing, exposurei>) i. (<i>of clothes, fabrici>) warna yg /luntur, pudar, pucat/; ii. (<i>of jewellery, metali>) kesan /pudar, kusam/; iii. (<i>of paper, teethi>) warna kuning; iv. (<i>due to a knock or blowi>) lebam: <i>the ~ on his arm,i> lebam di tangannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |