rinse | ~ st/ out of, from/, membilas sst hingga tdk ada lagi bekas: ~ the shampoo out of your hair, bilas rambut kamu hingga tdk ada lagi bekas syampu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | ~ and gone, sudah /tdk ada lagi, meninggal dunia/; ~ from the neck up, (colloq) otak /udang, ayam, telur/; ~ white, (of countenance) pucat /lesi, pasi/, pucat spt mayat; a ~ loss, (colloq) a. a complete loss, kerugian (yg) besar; b. a worthless person, (orang yg) tdk berguna langsung; a ~ shot, a. (of person) penembak yg handal; b. (of shot) tembakan yg tepat; /almost, nearly/ ~, (colloq ), (with cold, hunger, etc), (sejuk, lapar, dsb) bagai nak mati: he was almost ~ with hunger, dia lapar bagai nak mati; be ~ on time, sampai tepat pd waktunya; (be) ~ to, tdk /kenal, mengenal/: his heart was ~ to pity, dia tdk kenal belas kasihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
standing room | n tempat utk berdiri: there were no more seats left for the show, only ~, tdk ada lagi tempat duduk yg tinggal kecuali tempat utk berdiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
more | any ~, lagi: have you got any ~?, kamu ada lagi?; neither ~ nor less, no ~ no less, tdk lebih dan tdk kurang: he gave each of his assistants $300, no ~ no less, dia memberi setiap pembantunya $300, tdk lebih dan tdk kurang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
thrust | ~ /on, upon/ so., memaksakan sso: communism was ~ upon the population following the revolution, komunisme dipaksakan kpd penduduk berikutan revolusi itu; I had another first-year course ~ upon me, ada lagi kursus tahun pertama yg dip | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scar 1 | ~ over, menjadi parut, berparut: the wound has ~red over, and all danger of infection has passed, luka itu telah berparut dan segala bahaya akan dijangkiti kuman tdk ada lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
power | n 1. ability to act or do st, kuasa; (in a personal capacity) daya upaya: he no longer has any ~ in the party, dia tdk ada lagi apa-apa kuasa dlm parti; I will do all in my ~ to help, saya akan melakukan sedaya upaya saya utk membantu; the ~ of the press should not be underestimated, kuasa akhbar tdk seharusnya diperkecilkan; 2. a. faculty of the body or mind, daya: he has lost the ~ of hearing, daya pendengarannya sudah hilang; the disease has affected his ~ of movement, penyakit itu telah mencacatkan daya pergerakannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denude | be ~d of st, a. (of trees, leaves, sand, etc) gondol: a valley ~d of vegetation, lembah yg gondol; b. (of attribute, hope, etc) sudah hilang, tdk ada lagi: to be ~d of decent feelings, sudah hilang perasaan kemanusiaan; c. (of possession) ketandusan: to be ~d of o’s every possession, ketandusan setiap harta miliknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stick 2 | I’ll just ~ my head in and see if the children are still there, saya akan menjenguk sekejap utk melihat sama ada budak-budak itu masih ada lagi di situ; ~ the poles in as deeply as you can to make sure they stand upright, tanam tiang-tiang itu seberapa dalam yg boleh utk memastikan tiang itu dapat berdiri tegak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | I expected he would fail his driving-test and ~ he did, saya sudah menyangka dia akan gagal dlm peperiksaan memandu, dan memang pun dia gagal; “Do you need anything else?” “I don’t think ~”, “Ada lagi yg encik perlukan?” “Saya rasa tdk (ada)”; students can follow this course in their second year, if they ~ desire, mahasiswa-mahasiswa boleh mengikuti kursus ini dlm tahun kedua, kalau mereka mahu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |