agenda | n agenda. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
restrict | the chairman ~ed discussion to matters on the agenda, pengerusi mengehadkan perbincangan kpd perkara-perkara yg ada dlm agenda; ~ o’s diet, makan berpantang: he was strictly advised to ~ his diet, dia dinasihatkan dgn kerasnya supaya makan berpantang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ over, menangguhkan, menunda: the last item on the agenda will have to be held over until our next meeting, perkara terakhir dlm agenda itu terpaksa ditunda sehingga mesyuarat kita yg akan datang; ~ st over so., /mengancam, mengugut/ sso dgn menggunakan sst: he’s ~ing my prison record over me, dia mengugut saya dgn menggunakan rekod penjara saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
singly | adv satu per satu, satu-satu; (ref to persons) seorang demi seorang: the items on the agenda must be dealt with ~, perkara-perkara dlm agenda itu mestilah diselesaikan satu-satu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
on | 3. (ref to st that is included in a timetable, list, etc) dalam: one of the items ~ the agenda, salah satu perkara dalam agenda; his name is not ~ the list, namanya tdk ada dalam senarai itu; 4. onto, ke; (vehicle, animal, furniture, etc) ke atas; (so as to rest on top of given surface) di atas: if you drop it ~ the floor, it will smash to smithereens, jika terjatuh ke lantai, cawan itu akan berkecai; I splashed some cold water ~ my face, saya memercikkan air sejuk ke muka saya; he jumped ~ his motorcycle and rode away, dia melompat ke atas motosikalnya lalu menunggang pergi; she laid her hand gently ~ mine, dia meletakkan tangannya dgn lembut di atas tangan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
say | ~ o’s piece, cakap apa yg sso hendak katakan: ~ your piece, and then let us get on with the agenda, cakap apa yg kamu hendak katakan, kemudian kita boleh meneruskan perbincangan kita ttg hal-hal dlm agenda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disorganized, disorganised | adj bercelaru, tdk teratur; (of person) tdk teratur: the meeting was very ~ – there was no agenda and everyone seemed to be talking at the same time, mesyuarat itu bercelaru agendanya tiada dan semua orang bercakap pd masa yg sama; a ~ person, orang yg tdk teratur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pass | ~ on, a. move on, berlalu, pergi: he had a few words with us before ~ing on to the next group, dia berbual-bual sekejap dgn kami sebelum pergi ke kumpulan yg lain; b. move on to another subject while writing or speaking, beralih: let us ~ on to the next item on the agenda, mari kita beralih kpd perkara lain dlm agenda; ~ st on, a. hand st, memberikan sst: would you please ~ this book on to him after you have finished it, tolong berikan buku ini kepadanya selepas kamu selesai membacanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ onto st, a. discover st, mendapat tahu ttg sst: I got on to their little scheme two days ago, saya mendapat tahu ttg rancangan mereka dua hari lalu; b. pass on, (to st that comes next) beralih ke sst; (st new, different) membuat sst: how did we ~ onto that topic?, bagaimana kita beralih ke tajuk itu?; let’s ~ onto the next item on the agenda, mari kita beralih ke acara lain dlm agenda; when can we ~ onto something more interesting?, bilakah kita boleh membuat sst yg lebih menarik?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | c. begin, mula: I got to like the place after a while, setelah beberapa lama, saya mula menyukai tempat itu; when he got to thinking about his children’s future..., apabila dia mula memikirkan ttg masa depan anak-anaknya...; ~ to work, mula bekerja, memulakan kerja; d. reach (part of book, point of argument, etc) sampai /ke, di/: it looks like they won’t ~ to that item on the agenda before lunch, nampaknya mereka tdk akan sampai ke acara tersebut dlm agenda sebelum waktu makan tengah hari; have you got to the most interesting part of the novel yet?, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |