accent | vt 1. menekankan, mengaksenkan; 2. mark with accent, membubuh tanda /aksen, tekanan (bunyi)/ pd: the first "e" should be ~ed, tanda aksen hendaklah dibubuh pd huruf "e" yg pertama; 3. see ACCENTUATE (sense 2.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accent | n 1. prominence given to syllable, tekanan (bunyi), aksen: in the word "remark" the ~ is on the second syllable, bagi perkataan "remark" aksennya (ialah) pd suku kata yg kedua; 2. mark indic stress or change of pronunciation, tanda /aksen, tekanan (bunyi)/; 3. characteristic pronunciation, pelat, telor, loghat: to speak English with a French ~, bercakap bahasa Inggeris dgn pelat orang Perancis; 4. (in verse, prose) tekanan; 5. emphasis, tumpuan: at the fashion show the ~ was on casual wear, tumpuan di pertunjukan fesyen itu ialah pd pakaian bersahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grave 3 | n also grave accent aksen grava. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | 10. be defeated and captured, ditawan: the town fell to the enemy, bandar itu ditawan oleh pihak musuh; 11. collapse, jatuh: the government fell after the revolt, kerajaan itu jatuh selepas pemberontakan; 12. show dismay, kelihatan /muram, sugul/: her face fell when she heard the news, wajahnya kelihatan muram apabila mendengar berita itu; 13. occur, take place, jatuh; (of night etc) tiba: Christmas Day ~s on a Friday this year, Hari Krismas jatuh pd hari Jumaat tahun ini; darkness was ~ing fast, malam cepat tiba; 14. have specified place, terletak: the accent ~s on the last syllable, aksen itu terletak pd suku kata akhir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |