nature | n 1. the physical world, usually the outdoors, alam (semula jadi): the beauties of N~, keindahan alam semula jadi; ~ lovers, pencinta alam; elements of ~, unsur alam; Wordsworth was a poet of ~, Wordsworth ialah seorang pensyair alam semula jadi; ~ worship, pemujaan alam; 2. power causing natural phenomena, [various translations]: procreation is ~’s way of ensuring that life goes on, pembiakan ialah cara alam memastikan bahawa kehidupan akan berterusan; to struggle against ~, bergelut dgn fenomena alam; the doctors have done what they can, we must leave the rest to ~, para doktor telah melakukan segala yg terdaya, biarlah keadaan menentukannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
natural | adj 1. of, connected with the external physical world, alam semula jadi: ~ scenery, pemandangan alam semula jadi; ~ landscape, landskap alam semula jadi; a ~ phenomenon, fenomena alam semula jadi; 2. not caused or produced by man, semula jadi: ~ vegetation, tumbuh-tumbuhan semula jadi; a ~ harbour, pelabuhan semula jadi; ~ antibodies, antibodi semula jadi; in its ~ state, dlm keadaan semula jadi; an animal’s ~ instincts, naluri semula jadi binatang; ~ sentiments, perasaan semula jadi; growth is a ~ process, pertumbuhan ialah proses semula jadi; die /a ~ death, from ~ causes/, mati biasa; 3. in accordance with individual nature, a. (of person) sifat semula jadi: she bore the ordeal with the patience that was ~ to her, dia menanggung pengalaman pahit itu dgn kesabaran yg merupakan sifat semula jadinya; b. (phys) tabii: ~ convection, olakan tabii; ~ oscillation, ayunan tabii; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
still life | n painting or drawing of inanimate organic objects, /catan, lukisan/ alam benda; (attrib) alam benda: she has done a few ~s, dia telah membuat beberapa lukisan alam benda; a ~ painting, catan alam benda. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
world | 7. kingdom, alam: the animal ~, alam haiwan; the plant ~, alam tumbuh-tumbuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wonderland | n (lit. & fig.) alam ajaib: she gazed at the winter ~ from the window, dia merenung alam ajaib pd musim sejuk dr tingkap itu; the adventures of Alice in W~, kisah pengembaraan Alice di Alam Ajaib. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kingdom -come | n (sl) alam baqa; gone to ~, kembali ke alam baqa; till ~, (sl) sampai kucing bertanduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Creation | n; the ~, a. (act) penciptaan alam; b. the universe, khalikah, alam semesta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beyond | n; the ~, a. the unknown, alam ghaib; b. the hereafter, alam baqa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
environmental | adj 1. of, rel to the natural world, alam sekitar, persekitaran: ~ pollutants, bahan cemar alam sekitar; 2. of, caused by o’s surroundings, persekitaran: many ~ factors must be considered when dealing with these children, banyak faktor persekitaran yg mesti diambil kira apabila menghadapi kanak-kanak ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unsubstantial | 2. of no material existence, unreal, tdk wujud di alam nyata: an ~ shape moving through the fog, satu bentuk yg tdk wujud di alam nyata sedang bergerak dlm kabut itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |