cross-beam | n alang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
balk | n 1. beam, alang; 2. hindrance, halangan, rintangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
against | 7. in sudden contact with, pada: she hit her head ~ the low beam of the attic, kepalanya terhantuk pada alang loteng yg rendah itu; 8. towards so as to hit, ke: he threw the ball ~ the wall, dia melemparkan bola itu ke dinding; 9. having as background, berlatarbelakangkan: the trees were dark ~ the bright sky, pokok-pokok kelihatan gelap berlatarbelakangkan langit yg cerah; electric blue ~ the red, warna biru elektrik berlatarbelakangkan warna merah; 10. compared with, berbanding dgn: net profits of two dollars a share ~ ninety cents last year, keuntungan bersih sebanyak dua dolar setiap saham berbanding dgn sembilan puluh sen tahun lepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beam | n 1. horizontal structural support, a. (of floor) rasuk; b. (of roof) alang (bumbung); c. (of bridge) galang (jambatan); d. (in ship) pelancar; 2. cylindrical roller in loom, gelendong, kumparan; 3. main timber of plough, kayu /bajak, tenggala/; 4. bar of balance, batang (dacing); 5. breadth of ship, lebar kapal, lebar(nya); 6. ray, column (of light) pancaran, sinaran, sorotan: a ~ of light, pancaran cahaya; to lower the ~ of the headlights, merendahkan pancaran lampu besar (kereta); high ~, /suluh, sinar/ tinggi; /suluh, sinar/ rendah; 7. radio signal, alur radio; 8. radiant smile, senyum(an) yg berseri-seri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prise | vt often ~ off, ~ up, mengumpil: it was difficult to ~ her legs free from under the fallen beam, terlalu sukar utk mengumpil alang yg jatuh itu supaya kakinya dapat dilepaskan; he used a coin to ~ off the lid of the jar, dia menggunakan duit syiling utk mengumpil tudung balang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | vt 1. cause to split into fissures, merekahkan: expansion and contraction have ~ed the beams, pengembangan dan pengecutan telah merekahkan alang itu; 2. cause to split into thin lines, meretakkan: a ball thrown by the children ~ed the window pane, bola yg dibaling oleh budak-budak itu telah meretakkan cermin tingkap; 3. accidentally fracture, reta_òk: he ~ed the eggs when he fell against the table, telur itu retak apabila dia tersandung meja; 4. (skin, lips) menyebabkan pecah-pecah: the extreme cold ~ed his lips, kesejukan yg amat sangat menyebabkan bibirnya pecah-pecah; 5. also ~ open, split open, memecahkan: to ~ the safe, memecahkan peti besi; 6. accidentally hit with forceful blow, pecah: he ~ed his head when he fell, kepalanya pecah sewaktu dia terjatuh; 7. cause voice to break, menjadikan serak: emotion ~ed his voice, tekanan emosi menjadikan suaranya serak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
thickness | n 1. (degree) tebalnya: the plank has a ~ of two inches, papan itu tebalnya dua inci; the beam is four inches in ~, alang itu empat inci tebalnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mortise | vt 1. cut recess or hole in wood, stone etc, membuat lubang puting: the beam is ~d at one end, pd salah satu hujung alang itu dibuat lubang puting; 2. fasten by means of mortise and tenon, menanggam: the carpen | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hair’s breadth | n hampir-hampir; (adversely) nyaris-nyaris: she lost the race by a ~, dia hampir-hampir menang dlm perlumbaan itu; the beam missed him by a ~, alang itu nyaris-nyaris menimpanya; to escape by a ~, nyaris-nyaris tdk dapat lari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rest 1 | ~ /on, upon/, a. be supported on, terletak atas: he sat with his head ~ing on his arms, dia duduk dgn kepalanya terletak atas tangannya; the beam ~s on four columns, alang itu terletak atas empat tiang; b. be directed on, tertumpu pd: her eyes ~ed fondly on her son, matanya tertumpu pd anaknya dgn penuh mesra; c. depend on, bergantung pd: our hope of winning ~s on Team A, harapan kita utk menang bergantung pd Pasukan A; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |