offspring | n 1. (humorous) child, children of particular parents or young of animal, anak: her many ~, anaknya yg banyak; 2. result, product, hasil: the United Nations is the ~ of man’s desire for peace, Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu ialah hasil keinginan manusia utk hidup aman damai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
protection | n 1. act of keeping so., st safe from harm etc, perlindungan: the seedlings need ~ from excessive rain, anak benih itu memerlukan perlindungan drpd kena hujan dgn berlebihan; small nations look to the United Nations for ~ against aggression, negara-negara kecil mendapatkan perlindungan drpd Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu jika kena serang; 2. so., st that keeps so. safe from harm etc, pelindung: God is our ~ against all evil, Tuhan ialah pelindung kita drpd segala kejahatan; he wore a thick coat with a hood as a ~ against the cold wind, dia memakai kot yg tebal dan yg ada tutup kepala sbg pelindung drpd angin yg sejuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ together, remain united, bersatu: if the party ~s together, I’m sure it will win the elections, jika parti itu bersatu, saya pasti parti itu akan menang dlm pilihan raya; ~ st together, a. fasten st together, mencantumkan sst: a few pins held the dress together, beberapa pin sahaja yg mencantumkan baju itu; b. cause st to remain united, menyatukan sst; (marriage) mengekalkan: a good leader can ~ a nation together, pemimpin yg baik dapat menyatukan sst bangsa; children often help to ~ a marriage together, anak-anak biasanya dapat mengekalkan perkahwinan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
white | adj 1. of the colour of snow, milk, putih: the waiters wore ~ jackets, pelayan-pelayan itu memakai jaket putih; fluffy ~ clouds sailed overhead, awan gebu yg putih berarak di langit; the ~ flesh of the fish, isi daging ikan yg putih; ~ rice, nasi putih; the lamb’s fleece was ~ as snow, bulu anak biri-biri itu putih macam salji; an old man with a long ~ beard, seorang lelaki tua berjanggut putih dan panjang; 2. (of a pale-skinned race) kulit putih: a ~ man, lelaki kulit putih; the ~ race, bangsa kulit putih; 3. (of or for the white people), (utk) orang kulit putih: in some cities, certain areas are known as ~ neighbourhoods, di sesetengah bandar raya, kawasan-kawasan tertentu dikenali sbg kawasan orang kulit putih; 4. (of coffee, tea) with milk, susu: he ordered two ~ coffees, dia meminta dua cawan kopi susu; 5. (of wine) pale yellowish in colour, putih; 6. (of bread) putih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |