raise | 16. collect, memungut, mengutip: we held a jumble sale to ~ money for the orphans, kami mengadakan jualan lambak utk memungut derma bagi anak-anak yatim piatu; a committee to ~ money for the refugees, sebuah jawatankuasa utk memungut wang utk orang pelarian; 17. obtain, mendapatkan: the Government hopes to ~ a loan abroad, kerajaan berharap utk mendapatkan pinjaman dr luar negeri; 18. bring (design etc) into relief, menimbulkan; 19. cause (blister etc) to form on the skin, menyebabkan: the new shoes have ~d a blister on my heel, kasut baru itu menyebabkan gelembung pd tumit saya; 20. expel (phlegm) by coughing, membuang kahak; 21. (phon) meninggikan; 22. (math) menggandakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
family | n 1. group of parents and children, keluarga, famili: a large ~, keluarga besar; the whole ~ went abroad, seluruh keluarga pergi ke luar negeri; nuclear ~, famili asas; 2. person’s children, anak-anak; 3. group descended from common ancestor, keluarga turun-temurun: his ~ has lived here for hundreds of years, keluarga turun-temurunnya telah bermastautin di sini sejak beratus-ratus tahun lamanya; 4. (biol) famili: the cat ~, famili kucing; 5. (of languages) rumpun bahasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
son | n 1. male child of specified parentage, anak lelaki; (of royalty) putera: he has two ~s and one daughter, dia ada dua orang anak lelaki dan seorang anak perempuan; the King’s ~s were educated abroad, putera-putera raja itu dididik di luar negeri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
daughter | n 1. female off spring, anak (perempuan); (of royalty) puteri; (of prophet) puteri, anak perempuan; 2. female descendant, anak (perempuan); 3. female member of a nation, woman having specified affiliation, puteri: a ~ of the church, puteri gereja; ~s of France, puteri-puteri negeri Perancis; 4. (biol & phys) anak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
progression | n 1. a. act of moving forward, pergerakan, kemaraan: the army’s ~ from the border to the capital was impeded by sandstorms, pergerakan tentera dr sempadan ke ibu negeri itu dirintangi oleh ribut pasir; b. act of advancing toward a better or more complete state, kemajuan; he takes little interest in the children’s ~ at school, dia kurang berminat thdp kemajuan anak-anaknya di sekolah; c. act of developing, kemajuan:the supervisor comes once a week to review ~ of the work at the site, penyelia itu datang seminggu sekali utk melihat kemajuan kerja di tempat itu. 2. sequence of things, rentetan, rangkaian: an endless ~ of sand-dunes, rentetan bukit pasir yg tdk putus-putus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engage | vt 1. (fml), (act.) menarik; (pass.) tertarik: the puppy in the shop window ~d the little boy’s attention for quite some time, anak anjing dlm kedai itu menarik perhatian budak tersebut agak lama juga; 2. secure the services of, hire, mengambil: he decided to ~ the best defence lawyer in the country, dia membuat keputusan utk mengambil peguam pembela yg terbaik dlm negeri itu; 3. attack, menyerang: we have orders to ~ the enemy at 1600 hours, kami menerima arahan utk menyerang pd jam 1600; 4. bring into operation, (clutch) menekan; (gear) memasukkan: he ~d first gear before going uphill, dia memasukkan gear pertama sebelum mendaki bukit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | 5. a. proceed, go along (route indicated by) mengikut: they ~ed the road up to the junction, mereka mengikut jalan itu hingga ke persimpangan; to get to the cathedral just ~ the blue arrows, utk sampai ke katedral, ikut saja anak panah biru; 6. run parallel to, mengikut: the boundary between Thailand and Laos ~s the Mekong River, sempadan antara negeri Thai dan Laos mengikut Sungai Mekong; 7. watch steadily, mengekori, memperhatikan: he ~ed the dancer with his eyes, matanya mengekori penari itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imaginary | adj 1. a. existing only in so’s mind, perasaan sso sahaja: most of his ills are ~, sebahagian besar penyakitnya cuma perasaannya sahaja; b. fictitious, rekaan, direka-reka sso: a novel set in an ~ country, novel yg berlatarkan negeri rekaan; the child had an ~ playmate, anak itu mempunyai teman bermain yg direka-rekanya; c. formed, ascribed outside the evidence of reality, khayalan: an ~ line, garis khayalan; 2. (math) hayalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |