forewarn | vt memberikan amaran awal-awal lagi, mengingatkan terlebih dulu: you were ~ed of the risk, kamu telah diingatkan terlebih dulu ttg risikonya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bud | nip st in the ~, (fig.) menghentikan sst dr awal-awal lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
book | ~ up, membuat tempahan: you will have to ~ up well ahead, tuan mesti buat tempahan awal-awal lagi; be ~ed up, a. have no seats left, semua tiket sudah habis dijual; b. have no rooms, tables or space left, sudah penuh: I’m sorry, all the hotels in town are ~ed up, maaf, kesemua hotel di bandar ini sudah penuh; c. have no free time left (of entertainer, orchestra, etc) sudah ditempah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beginning | /at, in/ the ~, pd /mulanya, permulaannya/; at the ~ of, pd /permulaan, awal/; from ~ to end, dr /mula, awal/ hingga akhir; make a ~, memulakan; (right) from the (very) ~, dr /mula(-mula), awal(-awal)/ lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earliest | adj & adv paling /awal, segera/, /awal, mula-mula/ sekali: one of the ~ symptoms of cancer, salah satu tanda penyakit barah yang paling awal; at the ~, paling /awal, segera/: on Monday at the ~, paling segera, pd hari Isnin; at your ~ convenience, secepat mungkin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | ~ and ..., (colloq), /benar-benar, betul-betul/ ...: I won’t go before I’m ~ and ready, saya tak akan pergi sehingga saya betul-betul bersedia; ~ and early, awal-awal; ~ and proper, (colloq) cukup-cukup: when he caught the guard sleeping he really gave it to him ~ and proper, apabila dia mendapati pengawal itu tidur dia memarahinya cukup-cukup; ~ for, (fml) a. (of person) able to survive for, boleh hidup: he thought his grandmother was ~ for another ten years at least, dia fikir neneknya boleh hidup sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh tahun lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
should | b. (as conditional v after “if”, or in inverted order without “if”), [not translated]: if you ~ be unable to attend, please let us know in good time, andaikata tuan berhalangan, tolonglah beritahu kami awal-awal lagi; if any child ~ predecease me ..., sekiranya seseorang anak saya meninggal dunia terlebih dahulu ...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
early | adj & adv 1. near to the beginning of, awal: in the ~ part of this century, pd awal abad ini; ~ in September, pd awal bulan September; in ~ spring, pd awal musim bunga; in the ~ fifties, pd awal tahun-tahun lima puluhan; ~ in the morning, pagi-pagi (lagi); 2. among the first, awal:Shakespeare’s ~ plays, drama-drama awal Shakespeare; the ~ Malay novelists, novelis-novelis awal Melayu; ~ Christians, penganut-penganut awal agama Kristian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
early | 3. before the expected or usual time, awal: she came ~ and we were not ready, dia datang awal dan kami belum siap lagi; the train arrived ~ today, kereta api tiba awal hari ini; a few ~ roses, beberapa kuntum bunga mawar yg muncul awal; 4. in the near future, soon, agak segera, awal: an ~ reply, jawapan yg agak segera; an ~ decision, keputusan yg agak segera; it’s too ~ to tell, terlalu awal utk membuat tanggapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
preliminary | adj preparatory, awal, persediaan; (of remarks) permulaan; (of test, round, etc) awal: the Foreign Ministers held ~ talks before the formal meeting, Menteri-Menteri Luar Negeri mengadakan perbincangan awal sebelum mesyuarat rasmi; all the ~ work has been completed, and we are now ready to go ahead, semua kerja persiapan telah selesai dan kita sekarang bersedia untuk memulakannya; the chairman, in his ~ remarks, made reference to the work of the guest speaker, pd permulaan ucapannya pengerusi merujuk hasil kerja penceramah tamu; ~ examination, peperiksaan awal; ~ heat, saringan awal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |