wreck | vt <b>1.b> <b>a.b> destroy, ruin, meranapkan: the cyclone completely ~ed the harbour, siklon meranapkan pelabuhan itu; <b>b.b> spoil, merosakkan: you have ~ed my plans, kamu telah merosakkan rancangan saya; illness has ~ed his health, penyakit telah merosakkan kesihatannya; <b>2.b> (usu pass.) cause the wreck of, ranap: the ship was ~ed on the reef, kapal itu ranap di terumbu; they were ~ed off the coast of Australia, mereka terkandas di pantai Australia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whole | adj <b>1.b> <b>a.b> not divided or cut up, [se- or numeral] approp classifier; (with n showing quantity), [se- or numeral] penuh; (in pl) se- (duplication of classifier): I want a ~ cake, not just a slice, saya mahu sebiji kek, bukan hanya sepotong; two ~ loaves will fill the box nicely, dua buku roti akan muat elok-elok dlm kotak itu; she cooked a ~ duck for dinner, utk makan malam, seekor itik itu dimasaknya; I ordered a ~ bottle of wine, not half, saya meminta sebotol penuh wain, bukannya setengah botol; ~ nuts, kekacang sebiji-sebiji; ~ lychees in syrup, laici sebiji-sebiji dlm air gula; <b>b.b> (of vase, cup, etc) not broken or damaged, tdk terjejas: in that set only one glass is ~, the rest being chipped or broken, dlm set itu, hanya satu gelas saja yg tdk terjejas, yg lainnya sumbing atau pecah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
watch | n <b>1.b> small timepiece, <b>a.b> (worn on wrist) jam tangan; <b>b.b> (carried in pocket) jam saku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
undertaking | n <b>1.b> st undertaken, <b>a.b> (work) kerja, usaha: a difficult and dangerous ~, kerja yg sukar dan berbahaya; <b>b.b> (business) perusahaan: a huge ~ involving millions of dollars, suatu perusahaan besar yg melibatkan berjuta-juta dolar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unruffled | adj <b>1.b> smooth and undisturbed, <b>a.b> (of water) tdk berkocak: the ~ surface of the lake, permukaan tasik yg tdk berkocak; <b>b.b> (of bedclothes) tdk /renyuk, ronyok/: she lay exhausted on the ~ sheet, dia baring keletihan di atas cadar yg tdk renyuk itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
verbose | adj <b>1.b> given to wordiness, <b>a.b> (of speaker) bercakap berjela-jela; <b>b.b> (of writer) menulis berjela-jela; <b>2.b> long-winded, berjela-jela: a complicated and ~ article, rencana yg rumit dan berjela-jela; his ~ style, gaya penulisannya yg berjela-jela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
worn-out | adj <b>1.b> very old, damaged or thin from use, <b>a.b> (of clothes) betul-betul lusuh; <b>b.b> (of shoes etc) betul-betul haus; <b>2.b> exhausted, lesu: she looks ~ after a hard day’s work, dia kelihatan lesu selepas bekerja keras seharian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unload | vt<b>1.b> remove load, <b>a.b> (from ship, cart, etc) memunggah barang-barang dr: the wharf labourers refused to ~ the ship, pekerja-pekerja dermaga enggan memunggah barang-barang dr kapal itu; <b>b.b> (goods etc) memunggah: the men ~ed the furniture and carried it into the house, orang-orang itu memunggah perabot dan membawanya ke dlm rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unsavoury, (US) unsavory | adj <b>1.b> disagreeable or unpleasant to, <b>a.b> (taste) tdk enak: she could not bring herself to swallow the ~ food, dia tdk dapat menelan makanan yg tdk enak itu; <b>b.b> (smell) tdk menyenangkan: an ~ smell, bau yg tdk menyenangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
upward | <b>1.b> towards a higher place, ke atas: the road winds ~, jalan itu berliku-liku ke atas; he lay face ~ on the floor, dia berbaring dgn mukanya ke atas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |