flood | n 1. great overflow of water, banjir, bah: the heavy rain has caused widespread ~s, hujan lebat menyebabkan banjir besar; the F~, Banjir, Bah; be in ~, banjir: the river is in ~, sungai itu banjir; 2. also flood tide, rising tide, air pasang; be at the ~, sedang pasang; 3. large quantities (of enquiries, criticisms, etc) dibanjiri: there was a ~ of enquiries after the TV programme, selepas rancangan itu, stesen TV tersebut dibanjiri pertanyaan; be in ~s of tears, menangis dgn air mata sso mencurah-curah: she was in ~s of tears after the exam results were published, dia menangis dgn air matanya mencurah-curah setelah keputusan peperiksaan itu diumumkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flood | vi 1. be covered with water, banjir, bah: the cellar ~s every time it rains heavily, bilik bawah tanah banjir setiap kali hujan lebat; 2. rise and spill over, banjir, bah: the river ~s every year, sungai itu banjir setiap tahun; 3. pour, membanjiri: the townspeople ~ed into the square, penduduk bandar itu membanjiri medan tersebut; complaints ~ed into the editor’s office, aduan-aduan membanjiri pejabat editor; 4. spill, melimpah: when she drew the curtains, bright sunlight ~ed into the room, apabila dia membuka langsir, cahaya matahari yg terang melimpah masuk ke dlm bilik itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Deluge | n; the ~, /Banjir, Bah/ Besar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antediluvian | adj 1. rel to the time before the Flood, sebelum /Bah, Banjir/ Zaman Nabi Noh a.s; 2. (colloq) out-of-date, a. (of person) kolot, kuno, ketinggalan zaman; b. (of idea, notion, etc) kolot, kuno, ketinggalan zaman; c. (of plan) ketinggalan zaman; d. (of building, vehicle, etc) lama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
record | adj paling + approp adj, ter- + approp adj : the flood waters have reached ~ levels, air bah itu mencapai paras tertinggi or paling tinggi; to make a ~ score, mendapat mata tertinggi; a ~ crop of corn, hasil jagung yg terbanyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cave | vt; ~ st in, /merobohkan, meruntuhkan/ sst, menyebabkan sst /roboh, runtuh/: the floodwaters ~d in the retaining wall, air bah merobohkan tembok penahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
recede | vi 1. move back or away, a. (of tide, flood, etc) surut: the flood waters slowly ~d, air bah itu surut perlahan-lahan; b. (of hairline) menyusut: his hairline is receding, garis rambutnya semakin menyusut; 2. become more distant, menghilang: she watched from the deck as the island ~d into the distance, dr geladak dia melihat pulau itu menghilang di kejauhan; 3. decline, merosot: share prices ~d slightly today, harga-harga saham merosot sedikit hari ini; 4. become slight, menjadi tipis: hopes of finding the children alive are receding, harapan utk menjumpai anak-anak itu dlm keadaan masih hidup menjadi tipis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advance | vi 1. move forward, a. (in positon) mara: the search-party has ~d two miles upstream, pasukan penyelamat telah mara dua batu ke hulu; the flood waters ~d slowly, air bah beransur-ansur mara; b. (of night) semakin /larut, jauh/: as the night ~d, we became more worried, semakin larut malam, kami semakin bimbang; c. (of evening) semakin /kelam, gelap/; d. (of day) berlalu; 2. progress, meningkat maju: a country that has ~d tremendously since independence, negara yg telah meningkat maju dgn pesat sejak kemerdekaan; he ~d rapidly under the new management, dia meningkat maju dgn cepat di bawah pengurusan baru; 3. rise, meningkat; (of price, cost) meningkat, naik: sales ~d steadily, jualan terus meningkat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | prep 1. at a place etc higher than, di atas: he lived in a room ~ the shop, dia tinggal di sebuah bilik di atas kedai; to fly ~ the clouds, terbang di atas awan; 2. to a place etc higher than, melewati, melampaui: the flood waters have risen ~ the steps, air bah telah naik melewati tangga; 3. more than, lebih drpd: ~ freezing point, lebih drpd takat beku; her car costs ~ M$15,000, keretanya berharga lebih drpd M$15, 000; to be ~ twenty-one in age, berusia lebih drpd dua puluh satu tahun; to value honour ~ wealth, menghargai maruah lebih drpd kekayaan; 4. too honourable to stoop to (st) bukanlah orangnya utk: he is ~ telling lies, dia bukanlah orangnya utk berbohong; be not ~, sanggup: I am not ~ doing what is necessary, saya sanggup melakukan apa yg perlu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |