pendulum | n 1. weight suspended from a fixed point which swings freely, batu ladung; 2. device used to control working of clock, bandul; 3.regular change of attitude, position, etc, yg berubah-berubah: the ~ of public opinion, pendapat umum yg berubah-ubah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oscillate | vi 1. (fml or tech), (swing from side to side) berayun; (move from side to side) bergerak-gerak (ke kiri ke kanan): the pendulum ~s, bandul itu berayun; the speedometer needle ~d between 90 and 100 m.p.h, jarum meter laju itu bergerak-gerak antara had laju 90 dan 100 bsj; 2. vaccilate, berbolak-balik: he is continually oscillating between hope and despair, dia sentiasa berbolak-balik antara menaruh harapan dan berputus asa; 3. (of electric current) berayun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |