null | adj 1. esp ~ and void, invalid, batal dan tak sah: the contract is ~ and void, kontrak itu batal dan tak sah; 2. (math) nol: ~ set, set nol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irrevocable | adj a. that cannot be revoked, tdk boleh ditarik balik; (leg.) tak boleh batal; (econ) tak boleh mansuh: the decision is ~, keputusan itu tdk boleh ditarik balik; laws that are ~, undang-undang yg tak boleh batal; ~ letter of credit, surat kredit tak boleh mansuh; b. that cannot be changed, tdk boleh diubah: an~ course of action, cara bertindak yg tdk boleh diubah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
no-ball | n batal bola. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
voidable | adj (of contract etc) boleh batal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
service | 13. set of dishes etc, set: a silver tea ~, set teh perak; a porcelain dinner ~, set makan malam porselin; 14. (tennis, badminton, etc) servis: his first ~ was a fault, servis pertamanya batal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fault | n 1. responsibility for st wrong, kesalahan: it is not our ~, itu bukan kesalahan kami; 2. mistake, kesalahan, kesilapan: several ~s in the document, beberapa kesilapan pd dokumen itu; a ~ in the installation of the cable, kesilapan dlm pemasangan kabel; she finds ~ with everything I do, dia mencari kesilapan thdp apa saja yg saya lakukan; 3. defect, kerosakan, kecacatan; (electr) kerosakan: there is a ~ in the fabric, terdapat kecacatan pd kain itu; an electrical ~ in the motor, kerosakan elektrik pd motor; 4. failing, kelemahan: to like so. in spite of all his ~s, menyukai sso tanpa mengira semua kelemahannya; 5. (geol) gelinciran, sesar; 6. (in badminton, tennis) salah, batal: double ~, salah dua kali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |