fashion | /after, in/ a ~, begitu-begitu sahaja: he can play the piano after a ~, dia boleh bermain piano begitu-begitu sahaja; she’s kind, after a ~, dia baik hati , begitu-begitu sahaja; after the ~ of, mengikut gaya + approp n: novels after the ~ of Jane Austen, novel mengikut gaya tulisan Jane Austen; be all the ~, sangat popular; /be in, come into/ ~, menjadi fesyen; /be, go/ out of ~, tdk menjadi fesyen lagi; /man, woman/ of ~, /lelaki, wanita/ yg mengikut fesyen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
not | ~ quite, tdk begitu; (in direct speech) tdk begitu + approp v or adj: the way he talked to us was ~ quite proper, cara dia bercakap dgn kami tdk begitu sopan; "Are you ready?" "N~ quite," "Kamu sudah bersedia?" "Tidak begitu bersedia"; ~ /so, too/ well, tdk berapa sihat: my grandfather is ~ too well these days, datuk saya tdk berapa sihat sekarang ini; ~ that, tetapi: father gets angry very easily – ~ that it matters much to me, bapa terlalu mudah naik berang – tetapi perkara itu tdk menjadi hal sangat pd saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
such | Eric’s lack of initiative is ~ as to make one despair, kekurangan inisiatif Eric begitu rupa or Eric begitu sedikit inisiatifnya sehingga membuat orang putus asa; Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” is fortunately ~ a difficult book that very few people have really read it, untunglah buku “Mein Kampf” karangan Hitler itu begitu susah sehingga sedikit sekali orang yg betul-betul sudah membacanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
roaring | do a ~ trade, (colloq) perniagaan yg begitu laris: the new department store is doing a ~ trade, pasar raya yg baru itu sedang menjalankan perniagaan yg begitu laris; ~ success, begitu berjaya: the book was a ~ success, buku itu begitu berjaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
same | /do, say, think, etc/ the ~, approp v + begitu juga: I would do the ~ under the circumstances, dlm keadaan itu saya akan melakukan begitu juga; they said the ~, mereka mengatakan begitu juga; the dean thought the ~ about the matter, dekan itu berpendapat begitu juga ttg perkara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
meticulous | adj /amat, sangat, begitu/ /teliti, cermat/; (of work, etc) dibuat dgn /amat, sangat, begitu/ /teliti, cermat/: the doctor was ~ in her examination of the patient, doktor itu begitu teliti dlm pemeriksaannya thdp pesakit itu; he is | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
multitudinous | adj (jocular) very numerous, begitu banyak: ~ responsibilities, tanggungjawab yg begitu banyak; my daughter’s ~ admirers, peminat anak perempuan saya yg begitu banyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | a room ~ dirty as almost to defy description, bilik yg sebegitu kotor hingga hampir tdk tergambarkan; never have ~ many owed ~ much to ~ few, belum pernah orang yg begitu ramai terhutang budi begitu banyak kpd orang yg begitu sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
as | (just) ~... so..., sebagaimana... begitu(lah) juga...: just ~ you like a cigarette in the morning, so I enjoy my cup of tea, sebagaimana kamu suka menghisap rokok pd waktu pagi, begitu juga saya suka minum teh; so...~..., a. sometimes such...~..., (indic consequence) (se)begitu [adj] (se) hingga: the film was so moving ~ to have half the audience in tears, filem itu begitu mengharukan hingga separuh drpd penonton menitiskan air mata; you would surely not be so foolish ~ to attempt an escape, kamu tentu tdk begitu bodoh hingga mahu mencuba melarikan diri; b. (indic purpose) supaya: I put the chair near the window so ~ to be able to see the whole garden, kerusi itu saya letakkan dekat jendela supaya saya dapat melihat seluruh taman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nor | conj 1. neither, begitu juga: he can’t go, ~ can I, dia tdk boleh pergi, begitu juga saya; I can’t speak their language ~ can they speak mine, saya tdk boleh bercakap dlm bahasa mereka, begitu juga mereka tdk boleh bercakap dlm bahasa saya; 2. or, atau(pun); (after "not" at the beginning of a sentence), [baik]...mahupun... tdk: she does not like reading, ~ writing, ~ drawing, dia tdk suka membaca, atau menulis ataupun melukis; it’s not a mammal ~ a reptile, binatang itu bukan mamalia atau reptilia; not a man ~ a child was spared, baik orang dewasa mahupun kanak-kanak tdk terkecuali; 3. and not, dan tdk (pula): I have never been to England, ~ do I intend to go there, saya tdk pernah ke England dan tdk pula bercadang hendak ke sana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |