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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata benjol:

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

lump 1 2. swelling, benjol; (med) gumpalan: how did you get that ~ on your forehead?, bagaimana dahi kamu boleh benjol?; a ~ in the breast, gumpalan dlm buah dada; 3. (of sugar) cube, ketul: I’ll have tea with 2 ~s of sugar, saya mahu teh dgn 2 ketul gula; 4. (colloq) person who is heavy, clumsy, gemuk lembam: move over, you great ~!, beranjaklah sedikit, gemuk lembam!;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
goe. subside, surut; (of wind, storm) reda: the swelling is beginning to ~ down, benjol itu mulai surut; the wind went down after sunset, angin reda sesudah senja; f. be swallowed, ditelan: these pills don’t ~ down easily, pil-pil ini sukar ditelan; g. find acceptance, diterima: his explanation didn’t ~ down well, keterangannya tdk diterima dgn baik; h. be set down in writing, tercatat: the event will ~ down in history books, peristiwa itu akan tercatat dlm buku-buku sejarah; i. be defeated, fail, tewas, kalah: he went down in the third set, dia kalah dlm set ketiga;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
size 1 be the ~ of, sebesar: the lump on his head was the ~ of a tennis-ball, benjol di kepalanya sebesar bola tenis; 2. bigness, besarnya: the ~ of his estate surprised everyone, besarnya estet dia memeranjatkan setiap orang; I hope he realizes the ~ of the task ahead of him, saya harap dia sedar betapa besarnya tugas yg dihadapinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bumpn 1. collision, knock, perlanggaran: the ~ dented the front of the car, perlanggaran itu menyebabkan bahagian depan kereta kemik; 2. sound from a collision, bunyi /hantukan, perlanggaran/; 3. swelling caused by a blow, benjol, benggol: a ~ that still hurts, benjol yg masih sakit; 4. protuberance on a surface, bonggol: a road full of ~s and holes, jalan yg berbonggol-bonggol dan berlubang-lubang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gingerlyadj & adv (dgn) hati-hati; (when walking), (dgn) /terjinjit-jinjit, terjengket-jengket/: I touched the lump on his head in a ~ fashion, saya menyentuh tempat yg benjol di kepalanya dgn hati-hati; I picked my way ~ over the scorching stones, saya berjalan dgn terjinjit-jinjit di atas batu-batu yg panas di tempat itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
-sized adj 1. indic a certain size, saiz: a medium~ pizza costs $10, piza saiz biasa berharga $10; a large~ portrait, potret saiz besar; 2. indic that st is the size of st else, sebesar: egg~ lumps, benjol sebesar telur.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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