irreligious | adj (derog) 1. indifferent or hostile to religion, unbelieving, tdk /beragama, menganut sebarang agama/: an ~ man, orang yg tdk beragama; 2. (of statement, attitude, action, etc) profane, menentang agama; (in Islam) kufur: these ~ acts must be stopped, perbuatan kufur ini mesti dihentikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convert | 2. bring over (so.), a. (from no religion to a particular religion) menjadikan [sso] beragama: he managed to ~ the villagers to Buddhism, dia berjaya menjadikan penduduk kampung itu beragama Buddha; ~ so. to Christianity, mengkristiankan sso; ~ so. to Islam, mengislamkan sso; b. (from a particular religion to another) menukarkan agama [sso] kpd [n]; c. (to a particular ideology, opinion, etc) menukar haluan: to ~ so. to communism, menukar haluan sso ke arah komunisme; 3. use unlawfully, dishonestly, mengkonversi: the lawyer was charged with ~ing his client’s money to his own use, peguam itu didakwa mengkonversi wang pelanggannya utk kegunaannya sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
worship | freedom of ~, kebebasan beragama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infidel | adj (old use) tdk beragama; (in Islam) kafir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infidel | n (old use) 1. person who does not have a religion, orang yg tdk beragama; 2. person whose religion is different from that of the speaker, orang yg kufur; (in Islam), (orang) kafir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conversion | n 1. act, process of changing, a. (in character, function, etc) penukaran: the ~ of water into ice, penukaran air menjadi ais; the ~ of miles to kilometres, penukaran ukuran batu kpd kilometer; b. (from no religion to a particular religion) menjadikan [sso] beragama [n]; (to Christianity) mengkristiankan; (to Islam) mengislamkan; c. (to another religion), /memeluk, masuk/ (n): following her ~ to Judaism..., setelah dia memeluk agama Yahudi...; d. (to a particular opinion, ideology, etc) menukar haluan; 2. adaptation of building etc, pengubahsuaian: the plans for the ~ of the room into a studio are now ready, pelan pengubahsuaian bilik itu sudah pun siap; 3. (leg.) konversi: the ~ of public funds, konversi wang kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
non- | pref 1. (with adj) a. not, tidak; (tech) tak: ~emotional, tidak emosional; ~taxable, tak kena cukai; ~volatile, tak mudah meruap; ~porous, tak poros; b. not included in specified category, bukan: ~skilled workers, pekerja bukan mahir; ~technical subjects, mata pelajaran bukan teknikal; 2. (with n of designation) bukan [n], [orang yg] tdk [ v]: >~- members, bukan ahli or orang yg tdk menjadi ahli; ~smoker, bukan perokok or orang yg tdk merokok; ~Muslims, bukan Muslim or orang yg tdk beragama Islam; 3. (with n derived from v or adj),, [various translations]: ~acceptance, ketakterimaan; ~existence, ketidakwujudan; ~ alignment, berkecuali, tdk memihak; ~-belligerency, tdk berperang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |