shelf | b. single piece of board fixed in a framework, tingkat, rak; (set of shelves) rak: the cupboard has six shelves, almari itu mempunyai enam tingkat; there are shelves and shelves of books in his library, terdapat buku berak-berak di perpustakaannya; you’ll find all the Dutch books on the fourth ~, kamu boleh mendapati semua buku bahasa Belanda di rak ke empat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shit | 2. defecate in, memberaki; (colloq) berak di: Dzul darling, San has shat the bed again – change the sheets, will you?, Dzul sayang, San dah berak lagi di katil – tukarkan cadarnya ya?; ~ os, a. (lit.) terberak(-berak); (have diarrhoea) cirit-birit, terberak-berak: it hurt so much, I nearly shat myself, rasa sakitnya begitu teruk, saya hampir terberak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shit | vi (taboo) defecate, berak: the hijackers made us all ~ in one bucket, perampas-perampas itu memaksa kami semua berak dlm satu baldi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shit | vt (taboo) 1. pass in the excrement, berak: I’ve been ~ting blood since yesterday, I hope it’s not dysentery, saya berak darah sejak semalam, jangan-jangan saya kena disenteri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shit | n (taboo) 1. excrement, tahi: the city streets are full of dog ~, jalan-jalan di bandar itu penuh dgn tahi anjing; 2. act of passing excrement, berak: I haven’t had a ~ for three days, sudah tiga hari saya tdk berak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crap | n 1. (sl) nonsense, karut, merepek; 2. (taboo) faeces, berak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |