entrenched | adj telah /berakar berumbi, berurat berakar/: ~ beliefs, kepercayaan-kepercayaan yg telah berakar berumbi; ~ political ideas, gagasan-gagasan politik yg telah berakar berumbi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inveterate | adj 1. (of habit) deep rooted, telah /berakar berumbi, berurat berakar/: an ~ habit, tabiat yg telah berakar berumbi; ~ prejudices, prasangka yg telah berakar berumbi; 2. (of person) settled, confirmed in habit, kaki: he is an ~ liar, dia kaki bohong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deep-rooted | adj 1. akarnya menghunjam; 2. (fig.) sudah /berakar umbi, berurat berakar/, menghunjam ke dlm hati: ~ prejudice, prasangka yg sudah berakar umbi; is love of music is ~, cintanya pd muzik sudah berakar umbi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
-rooted | adj 1. having roots, berakar; 2. firmly established, bertapak, berakar umbi: deep~ prejudices, prasangka yg telah lama berakar umbi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
root | vi take or grow roots, berakar, tumbuh akar: this cutting ~s easily, keratan ini mudah berakar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double-dyed | adj (dated), (fig.) sudah berurat berakar: ~ scoundrel, penjahat yg sudah berurat berakar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entrench | vt 1.> ( usu pass. ) surround with trench, berkubu: the troops were safely ~ed on both sides of the river, askar-askar itu selamat berkubu di kedua-dua tebing sungai; 2. ( usu pass. ) establish (oneself) firmly, ( act .) mengukuhkan kedudukan; ( pass. ) kukuh dlm kedudukan sso: he is well ~ed, but feels he should be given a much greater say in the management of the business, dia begitu kukuh dlm kedudukannya, tetapi merasakan bahawa dia seharusnya diberikan lebih hak suara dlm urusan perniagaan itu; be ~ed in o’s /views, ideas, etc/ , /pendapat, gagasan dsb/ sso sudah /berurat berakar, berakar berumbi/ dlm diri sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deep-seated | adj 1. (of disease, illness) sudah berakar umbi; 2. (of emotion, faith, tradition, etc) mendarah daging: a ~ distrust, perasaan tdk percaya yg sudah mendarah daging; a ~ belief in the occult, kepercayaan thdp ilmu ghaib yg telah mendarah daging; 3. (of cause) berakar umbi: the causes of the feud are ~, sebab-sebab permusuhan itu sudah berakar umbi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ingrained | adj 1. worked or fixed deeply into surface, fibre, etc, melekat: hard scrubbing would not remove the ~ dirt, kotoran itu yg melekat tdk akan tanggal walaupun diberus kuat-kuat; 2. deeply rooted, telah berurat berakar; (of habit) sudah mendarah daging: these prejudices are ~ in him, prasangka-prasangka ini telah berurat berakar dlm dirinya; ~ fears, rasa takut yg telah berurat berakar; 3. absolute, utter, betul-betul, benar-benar: an ~ liar, orang yg betul-betul pembohong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
root | n 1. (part of a plant) akar: to pull up the plant by the ~s, mencabut pokok itu dgn akarnya sekali; 2. root crop, tanaman berakar; 3. embedded part of hair, nail, etc, akar; 4. source, punca: money is the ~ of all evil, wang ialah punca segala maksiat; the ~ of the problem is incompatibility, punca masalah itu ialah ketakserasian; /get at, go to, strike at/ the ~(s) of, mencari puncanya; the ~ cause, punca; 5. (in pl) family ties, origins, asal-usul, asal: her ~s are here, in this country, asalnya di sini, di negeri ini; 6. (ling) kata akar; 7. (math) punca kuasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |