paddle 1 | vi row with a paddle, berdayung: we ~d across the river, kami berdayung ke seberang sungai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paddle 1 | n 1. short broad-bladed oar, dayung; 2. act or period of paddling, berdayung; go for a ~, pergi berdayung; 3. flat spoon used for mixing, stirring, etc, sudip: the molten iron is stirred with a long ~, besi cair itu dikacau dgn sudip panjang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rowing | n /berkayuh, berdayung/ perahu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pull | vi 1. exert a pulling force, menarik: if we all ~ together, we should be able to move it, kalau kita semua menarik bersama-sama, kami pasti dapat menganjaknya; 2. row, berdayung: we had to ~ for our lives, kita terpaksa berdayung utk menyelamatkan nyawa; we’d better ~ for the shore, lebih baik kita berdayung ke pantai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
row 2 | n /berkayuh, berdayung/ perahu: the ~ across the lake took him two hours, berkayuh perahu menyeberangi tasik itu mengambil masa dua jam; it was a long ~ home, lamanya berkayuh perahu utk pulang; let’s go for a ~, mari kita pergi berkayuh perahu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pull | n 1. act of pulling, tarikan; (dragging) heretan, seretan; (tugging) sentakan; (sucking) menghisap; (rowing) berdayung; (in sports) pukulan (ke kiri); (climbing with effort) dgn susah payah menaiki sst: a strong ~ should free the rope, tarikan yg kuat sepatutnya dapat melepaskan tali itu; he gave the boy a ~ at his pipe, dia membenarkan budak lelaki itu menghisap paipnya sekali; they decided to go for a ~ on the river, mereka memutuskan utk pergi berdayung di sungai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scull | vi & vt mendayung: the fisherman ~ed past us as we rowed slowly, nelayan itu mendayung melewati kami yg berdayung perlahan-lahan; he used a plank to ~ the boat down the river, dia menggunakan sekeping papan utk mendayung perahu itu ke hilir sungai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
upriver | adj & adv ke hulu sungai: an ~ voyage, pelayaran ke hulu sungai; they paddled ~ in a canoe, mereka berdayung ke hulu sungai dgn kanu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
float | 2. a. move on surface of water, hanyut: the raft ~ed down the river, rakit itu hanyut ke hilir sungai; why bother rowing? Let’s just ~, buat apa berdayung, biar saja perahu kita hanyut; b. move through air, melayang-layang; (of cloud) terapung-apung: the propaganda leaflets ~ed down onto the streets of the city, risalah-risalah propaganda jatuh melayang-layang ke jalan-jalan kota itu; clouds were ~ing across the sky, awan terapung-apung melintasi langit; 3. (of sound) mengalun: the sound of the cowbells ~ed across the icy mountain slopes, bunyi loceng lembu mengalun di sekitar lereng gunung yg berais itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
up | prep 1. to a higher position, location, naik: he ran ~ the hill, dia berlari naik bukit itu; climb ~, memanjat; (mountain) mendaki: he climbed ~ the ladder to fix the roof, dia memanjat tangga itu utk memasang atap; 2. in a higher position, location, di (atas): it is snowing ~ the mountain, salji sedang turun di atas gunung itu; 3. indic movement from a lower to a higher place, location, mendaki: a journey ~ the hill, perjalanan mendaki bukit itu; 4. towards the source of a river, ke hulu: he rowed ~ the river, dia berdayung ke hulu sungai; 5. along, di: the children ran ~ the street, kanak-kanak itu berlari di jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |